1. Too Many Voices Trying To Talk To Me

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*Title Credit to- Suicide Silence "OCD"

** Waiting Room ***
I've been crying in Danny's arms for hours, everyone is here.
Chris, Ricky, Francesca, Josh, Edward... All his friends.
I got up to get a drink and felt my legs go numb; so I stood there, still.

"Hey, I'll help," Chris came up to me.

"T-thanks," I stuttered looking into his brown eyes. He looked too much like Mike. I started crying again.

"Woah, woah," he held me to his chest.

"I'm so scare of losing him,"

"I am too, Alex, he's like my twin,"

"But... You... Your not going to give me some bullshit cliche?" I questioned; pulling away.

"Do you want me to?"

"No, your the only one who hasn't,"

"We'll, besides Mike."


"It's true,"

"I'd love to hear a bullshit cliche from him, I'd love to hear anything from him,"

"You really love him, don't you?" He asked sitting across the room with me.

"Very much so, but it's not only about love anymore,"

"What do you... Your pregnant?" He asked in a hushed tone.


"Oh my... Now I understand," he looked down and held my hands,
"No matter what happens... It'll be okay, you and the baby, this isn't a bullshit cliche, I'd help you," he looked into my eyes.

"You'd help with my baby? Even if we weren't dating?"

"Dating? Woah... I just... I... I'd help,"
He struggled for words to climb out of the grave he just dug.

"Oh..." My voice trailed off.

"I'm sorry, I mean I would date you.. But under the circumstances... I mean... You amazing and all b-but... I'll shut up now," he sat in the chair next to me.

"What about Ashley?" I asked; looking at him.

"Ashley is dating Megan's ex," he tapped his fingers.

"Oh, I thought you guys-"


"What about me-"

"Too much"

"Too much what?"

"Fan girl hate, it's not cool to have her go threw that"

"Oh," I sat back in my seat, "Wait! What about Franccesca?" I asked.

"Are you trying to set me up while your boyfriend is in ICU?" He smirked a bit. I feel terrible now.

"No. I just need to keep my mind off him," I looked down, "do you like her?".

"Well yeah, she's hot but-"

"But what?"

"Isn't she dating Edward?"


"Oh.." He looked away awkwardly.
I grabbed his phone, "hey! Give it," he tried to grab the phone as I typed the passcode.

It was obviously - BleedingThrough
(His favourite band)

I smiled as I ran with his phone, texting Franccesca.
'Hey, It's Chris. How are you beautiful?' I sent it and stopped running, causing Chris to run into me.

"Ow, what the fuck? Watch it!" I joked; handing him his phone.

"Fuck. Me," he rolled his eyes; staring at the phone.

"What? Don't like her now?" I mocked him.

"I never said... Fuck," he looked down and smiled as his phone beeped.

"Can you watch your mouth? My children are here," a woman snapped.

"Can you get my husband out of ICU?" I looked at her.
All of my friends -and mikes- shot their heads up.

"N-no, but that is still no excu-" I cut her off.

"Then shut the fuck up," I spat.

"I'll have to kicked out,"

"You and my husband will switch places then," I glared.

"Let's go kids," she dragged her daughter away, "Chase, Chase! Get away from him,"

I looked and noticed that Josh was playing trucks with a little boy - I'm assuming was chase-.

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