Chapter 2: Be Careful Of What You Wish For

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(Y/A) = Your Age

A flashback of last night's events occur within your mind....

You were shaking as Joker grinned, revealing his grill. You bit your lip nervously and to Joker's dismay, he took out his gun and shot (F/N) in the head. Your eyes widened in horror as you saw your friend laying on the floor, dying. You immediately turned away from Joker and dropped to the floor. Tears came streaming down your face as the light behind your friends eyes disappeared. You clutched your friend and cried.

You woke up in a cold sweat. You weren't in your bed; this wasn't even your own room. You looked at the sheets that covered your body. They were green and purple. Then you remembered everything that happened last night with the Joker. Something told you that you weren't in your own world. No... you were in the DC Universe world. As soon as realization came to you, you were sent into immediate panic.

You looked all around you and your breathing grew heavier. "T-This can't be happening...," you said in distress. You pushed yourself out of your bed and walked around your room. The floor was hardwood, there was a nightstand next to the bed you were sleeping in, a flat-screen TV was hanging on the wall, there was a small window that had green curtains to go with it, and your walls were painted purple and green. Running to the door, you tried pulling it open. 'Locked.' you thought.

You sat down on your bed and tried to take anything in. One, you were being held against your will by the Joker. Two, you had no idea how you even got her. And three, you were basically fucked. The door creaked open and there he was... the Joker. Afraid of what he was going to do next, you backed away from him. He had a little smirk on his face as he saw your fear. Joker sat next to you on the bed. You had just noticed that he had no shirt on. Slightly blushing, you looked away in embarrassment. Since Joker wasn't stupid, he noticed this. He thought it was cute.

The Joker decided to have some fun and play with your feelings. He grabbed your chin menacingly and looked into your (E/C) eyes. All he could sense was fear. He enjoyed that sensation. He smirked and whispered in your ear seductively, "You don't know why you're here, do you?' You slowly shook your head, refusing to give a direct answer. Joker laughed. This gave you chills due to how insane he was.

Joker took your hand and and squeezed it. You winced but he was trying to be gentle. "Calm down, doll. I'm not going to hurt you," Joker said with a toothy grin. You looked at him and said, "R-Really?" Joker nodded. You began trusting him but you were cautious. He did kill your best friend so you had to be careful. Having anyone else dead is bad. Then again, the Joker enjoyed murdering and torturing innocents.

Loving this man was painful to you. Everything he said was poison. Your personal poison. But you can't help but fall in love with the maniac. Before any of this happened, you would gaze at pictures of him and think of how cute you thought he was. Texting your friends about him was normal. After all, who could resist the misunderstood sweetheart?

The Joker gave you a genuine smile. You asked yourself, 'Can I trust him?' How could you fall for an insane man like him? You were only (Y/A) years old whilst Joker was way older than you. But really, who cares? Age can't define love. Your friend was in love with a character that was from the Victorian Age and wore booty shorts (A/N - Anyone who gets this reference deserves a cookie 😄).

Joker got up and looked at you. "I have to go, doll. Stay here, okay?" Joker said. You nodded obediently and watched the insane man leave the room. You heard him lock the door and you sighed. 'What the hell do I do now....?'

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