Part One - Frozen Wasteland

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Skaarf looked desperately around for signs of missing Lyra. Yet, all he could see for miles was just the frozen wasteland of the ruined Gythia.

  Lyra had been missing for weeks, and still had not returned. It was mentioned in Lyra's diary that an unnamed source led her to her once thriving homeland. It was said that a new evil had arose here before the ruin, causing devastation among the now long forsaken dead, and she had to find the source.
  A team consisting of Skaarf, Catherine, Lance and Adagio had been sent to find Lyra, yet for days now not the slightest sign of life had been spotted. To make matters worst, a deadly blizzard had separated the four, leaving them to fend for themselves. In these harsh conditions, Skaarf knew that he would have to hibernate and evolve to match the climate. He decided that he had covered enough land for one day, and plopped himself down on the frozen ruins.

  He pulled out his pouch, containing the only two belongings he brought with him. A Munionfabric blanket, and a Munionwax Candle, both made by Petal. Originally, Petal wanted to come with them. When they found out that a talking rabbit and a plant wouldn't do well in an icebox, to be put simply, she made Skaarf some things to take with him. The blanket had an obvious purpose, of course. The candle, however, was for a special reason. It was around his birthday when Lyra was found missing, so the celebration was canceled and rescheduled. Petal promised that they would celebrate another time, but Skaarf was still quite sad. To make up for it, petal made him a cute candle in the shape of a '4', indicating Skaarf's age.

  He pulled the blanket tight around him, as it reminded him of home. He clutched his candle in his hands tightly, spitting a flame before him. Some tears formed at the edges of his beady black eyes. They were instantly frozen as they made contact with the air. Skaarf moved closer to the small flame, savoring every ounce of warmth he felt.

  As the flame died down, Skaarf felt the presence of a person somewhere. In the distance, he could just make out a figure with a tall pointy head and a stick approaching him. He dismissed it as a hallucination, due to the sheer exhaustion he felt blanketing him. When the flame burnt to nothing but smoke, the image was painted more clearly. The figure was there. And instead of there being only one, there were two. But before the pair could reach him, he had already exerted the last ounce of energy he possessed. With that, he let unconsciousness take over. But before plunging into complete darkness, he felt himself being lifted into the air, and the candle slipping from his grasp.

"Poor thing," Said a deep female voice, one sounding similar to Lyra's. He tried to open his eyes, but he was just... He was just... He was just too... Too ti... Too ti... Too tir... Too tired...

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