How's A Birthday Party Sound? - part 3

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As I stood there, I couldn't understand what I was looking at. Amy's parents walked in and started crying. Her birthday was 3 days from today. I couldn't here anything because I was lost in my own thoughts and all I could see, was my best friend lying dead on table. An hour after that we went to Amy's house and started calling people. "Mom, Dad, Amy's gone. She's gone." I said as I started to weep once more. Mr. and Mrs. Thorns comforted me. "Sweetie, we're coming home early, okay?" They said as thoughtfully as they could. "Alright. See you in a couple hours." They hung up. Mrs. Thorns told me to go up stairs and into Amy's room. I did that. But after remembering something Amy said, I reached for a box underneath her bed. "DON'T TOUCH MY BOX!!!" She would yell. I started chuckling to myself. I opened the box and my eyes widened immediately. It was a scrap book. However, it was what was drawn in the scrap book that made me look the way I did. There were hearts around every picture of me and Amy, little writings like:" I really wish I had the guts to tell Jackie that I'm in love with him!" and " I hope Jackie likes me too!" I actually picked up the scrap book and a piece of paper fell out. I put the scrap book down and grabbed the paper. The paper was from Amy to me.
                          It read:
Dear Jackie,

     If your reading this it means I must be gone. I want you to know that I've started to sort of become in love with you. Haha. Please don't be mad. And I wish that from the bottom of my heart that you are in love with me too. Can you take care of Mom and Dad for me? I don't think that they'll be able to handle this alone. I'll leave everything to you guys. Oh! But I need you to keep this letter and the scrap book! Please! Yay! Anyways, hope you can survive without me. I'm sorry for leaving you guys alone.

                                   Amy Martin Thorns

I started crying again as I read the very last sentence:" I'm sorry for leaving you guys alone." Her parents came up to check on me. They saw the scrap book on the side of me an a box on the other. Then they saw me crying and clutching the letter in my hands. I gave it to Mr. Thorns while Mrs. Thorns comforted me. The next day I went to school alone. In the morning I introduced myself and took my seat in the back of the class. I talk to the teacher only and nobody else. I felt like I was being judged. If Amy was here I would've already had friends I thought to myself. At lunch I sat at the end of the table while everyone else was on the other side. I took out my note that Amy left me and then some kids walked up to me. I put the note away as fast as I could. "What's that your hiding?" "Nun of your business." "What's that? You givin' me disrespect?" "No." I said, starting to get a little angry. "Well, then you don't mind if we see that paper you have do you?" The guy said in sarcastically nice voice. "Actually, I do mind." I said smirking a little. They walked up to a teacher and said something I couldn't hear. The teacher then came over to me and the three kids followed. "Why are you cursing at them?" "Hold on. What? I didn't curse at them." "Yes you did! You said-" "We don't need to hear them." The teacher said, cutting him off. A girl walked over and whispered something in her ear that was too quiet for me to hear what she said. The teacher said," So you three boys re coming with me. Now come along. Oh! Right, your off the hook uhh. What's your name son?" "Jackie." "Right, well bye!" The teacher and kids walked off. I sat there in confusion. I pulled out the letter again. At the end of the day, I went home. My mom and dad always came home late so I called before I go to bed. I put on a movie and hide the letter like always. "I am not going to end the day sad." I got the scrap book out an started laughing a lot because I started remembering hilarious times while looking at the pictures. "Time for bed." I called my parents and said my goodnight' s and went to bed. I told myself: " Maybe, just maybe, things will turn out alright after all."

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