School Story

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I woke up to feel the waves moving us along in the boat I was in. We were on a long trip though the sea with many swells, or long unbroken waves. I got up to look outside to see my father looking out into the large abyss that was the ocean. "Hey dad." I said tiredly. "Hey Scarlet, how ya feeling?""Could be better, you?""Same old." Then came a long silence, but not a awkward one, more a peaceful silence.
I slowly made my way back under the ship to my room. Looking though the porthole into the ocean, I saw I large shadow. I suddenly knew what is and ran straight to my father who was already getting ready for impact from the vile beast. To catch you up, through out this whole trip we've been followed by a giant squid, something I only thought were in old fisherman tales. As we got ready for an impact that never came.
  All of a sudden the ship nearly flipped over and my dad fell. I awaited my demise, but instead woke up in my bed at home.
I screamed to wake no one in my lonely home.

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