Weird type of day

6 0 0


(6:45, Monday mmonday)
*alarm Rings)

UGGH I hate Mondays *gets up from bed* phone? Is.....lets see under bed...but why.....oh yeahhhh

Maya: I Have to get this homework done UGHHH WHY DID I STAY ON THE PHONE WITH JAZMINE

-end of flashback-

Oh yeahhhh well oh ok then....*grabs clothes for school* its monday and its school i thought I'd go simple jeans and a bun and a sweater that says "Geek" because why not im lazy.....I walk to my bathroom and look in the mirror....ehh your not getting any more geekyer?? *hops in shower*

(15 mins pass by, now is 7:00)
Well time to grab my bags and head out

(by the time I get there its going to be about 7:15 and then they open the doors and I hang out in the gym, not to workout NEVER, to look at the cute boys work out and realize i have no chance with them, I go there to read)

(15 mins pass by, at school, and is now 7:15)

Heyo Mr. Rodriguez (his the school janitor) he understands me more then the teachers plus he gives me passes to the hall way good bathroom's and yeah, I go upstairs and sit on the bleachers and when I look up i see lots of cute boys rushing to the basket ball court, then Ethan had to come....yes the schools badass is sitting next to me i push over away from him and continue to read and look.....and get this HE TALKS TO ME the schools badass talks to the schools geek well anyways this is how it went....

Ethan: Hey

Maya: ME??

Ethan: no the bookbag next to you *smirks* of course you

Maya: oh well my bad I didn't think you would even wanna talk to me

Ethan: and why is that *lays back on bleachers*

Maya: well the schools badass talking to the schools geek its more like the schools badass bullies the geek

Ethan: so that's what you wan.....*bell rings* talk later I need a favor

Maya: oh...ok

Of course I knew he was gonna ask if I wanted to do his homework and if I say no his gonna give me a kiss on the cheek and ill fall for it um no im more stubborn then a mule so I highly doubt I will do it

Ethan X Maya Where stories live. Discover now