Chapter Two

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Draco Malfoy

Weasley's voice sounds eager, but I'm not looking at his face. I'm looking at Granger instead. Her eyes dance in the light, and it's wonderful. I have to tear my eyes away. "Do you know how much trouble I'll be in?" I demand. What reason do I have to help you? I think silently to myself.

"Yes, we do. Please, Draco?" Draco. She used that name instead. A thrill shoots through my whole body.

"Sure, okay. But do you really trust me to choose who you're changing into?" I ask Weasley with an evil grin. His eyes widen, and I say, "You know I'm just joking, right?"

His eyes widen even more. "Malfoy? Joking? You've gotta be joking. Hey, I see what you did there!"

I make a sound that's halfway between a laugh and a scoff, and tighten my grip on my wand. "I'll go get the hairs. Get your potion ready, Granger." I rest my hand on the knob and look at her, my last look before she's gone, leaving as someone else. But she's here, now, herself. I shake my head and turn away. What am I talking about? I leave the room, looking back only once.

This may take a while, I think as I slink down the stairs and through the deep shadows that cover the mansion. It never felt like a house to me, like it belonged more to him than my family. Like nothing I have is actually mine, not even my mind, or my life, even. It's all his.

Fueled by the rage that burns deep in my stomach, I leave the shadows behind and step into the light. You-Know-Who's still not here, and I sneak behind Bellatrix and Yaxley from where they're sitting next to each other and take it out very, very carefully...

Next, I creep over to Father, and Mother turns and pats me on the cheek. While they're distracted, I take one of father's hairs as well. Then, I whisper the Confundus charm and bring them all into the other room, where I lock them in a closet. Surprisingly, nobody else notices.

I race back up the stairs and to my room, where I slam the door shut and lock it again. I see Weasley inspecting by broomstick, and I smack his hand away. "Don't touch my things, Weasley." I secretly feel bad deep inside, but still, this is a violation of privacy.

I hand out the hairs and turn away and stare at the corner as the do what they have to do. When I turn back around, I can't help but jump backwards. Father laughs, and I can tell it's Weasley. "You should see your face right now, Malfoy!" he laughs. I roll my eyes and look at Granger instead. It's very strange to see Aunt Bellatrix, well, sane, and Granger makes her almost beautiful.

"Come on. And act natural, for Merlin's sake," I hiss and I begin to descend the steps again. I admit, this must look suspicious, but when they raise their heads and trail me, we eventually pass everyone else and make it to the front doors. I escort them out, and none of them even say goodbye as they walk to the Apparating point. The most that any of them give me is a look from Granger that says it all.

And by it all, I mean nothing.

I've always been bad at reading expressions, but this is ridiculous. I'm threatened to say 'just go already', but they disappear before I can open my mouth.

I walk back into the house, unlocking the closet as I pass. I drift up to my room, not really paying attention to my surroundings. What do I do now? I'm already on thin ice, letting them out of the dungeon like that. Should I ride on that, or just quit while I'm ahead?

The door opens as I'm sitting at my desk and Aunt Bellatrix- the real one, I can see the crazed spark in her eyes -enters the room, her wand out. She gives me a bloodcurdling smile and points it at me. "What did you lock me in the closet for, dear Draco?" she whispers in a voice that could make grown men cry. She begins to circle around me like a vulture circling it's prey. I guess that's all I am to her, her latest victim. It doesn't matter to her if we're family, does it?

"Answer me!" she yells, and I wince. What should I say? Should I lie? That's safest, for me and for...them. The words come out of my mouth before I can do anything to stop them.

"I took out a few of your hairs to play a prank on someone, okay?" I say quickly, closing me eyes as she jabs her wand at my face.

"Oh, really?" She blows a stray hair out of her face. "You're a bit too old to play pranks, now, aren't you, Draco?" she says in a voice that's lilting, but in a menacing way. "Well, then. How are our guests?"

"I mean...terrible, I guess," I say, cracking an eye open.

"Wonderful!" she exclaims, clapping her hands. "Shall I go check on them?"

"No!" I blurt before I can close my mouth.

"No? Well, all the more reason too, right?" And with that, she breezes out of the room, and I can feel her eyes on me all the way.

I let out a long breath and lay my head on the desk. What was I thinking? That she would listen if I told her no? She's a ruthless killing machine, Draco. You idiot!

The door bangs open, and Bellatrix comes in as quickly as she left. "Draco Lucius Malfoy," she says in a voice that's so menacingly calm it makes me want to run from the room. "You are in very. Big. Trouble."

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