Chapter Four

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Hermione Granger

When I wake up in the morning, it takes me a moment to remember where I am. When I look to my left, I see Draco, his grey eyes closed, sound asleep. He looks so much more relaxed, much more peaceful. As I lean over and place a small kiss of his cheek, his eyes fly open.

"Oh. Hermione," he says, turning to me, a smile dancing on his lips. I love the sound of my name when he says it, the perfect cadence, making it sound like a secret he can only share with me. But before I can say something else to him, Harry pushes aside the flap of the tent and steps out. Draco and I quickly disconnect our hands, but Harry looks very suspicious.

"Hermione, I was going to keep watch, if you could go get food or something..." he says slowly, glancing between us. I don't dare to look at Draco, but nod at Harry. With one last warning look at Draco, Harry walk a few feet away.

"Draco, I'm going to-" But before I can finish my sentence, he sucks in a breath between his teeth and rolls up his left sleeve. I see the Dark Mark, all too familiar, willing like a snake. "What's happening?" I ask instead.

"He's back. He's calling me. I have to go, or it only starts to hurt worse." He looks at me, and I can see that same flicker of fear in his beautiful eyes. I'm so sorry, I mouth, but he shrugs it off and stands up. With one last unreadable look at me, he turns on his heel and Disapparates.

As soon as he's gone, I go inside the tent, where Ron is sitting in a chair next to the entrance. He sends me a withering frown and I crouch down next to him. "What was that all about, Hermione?" he demands.

My mouth opens, and I know I have to choose my words very, very carefully. "Ron, that was nothing. I don't feel that way about him, I just feel so bad for him." As I say the words, I realize they're true. Even with whatever happened between the two of us last night, I still don't feel that way about him. No matter what, we still have a bad history. And I still get that feeling whenever I look at Ron... "It's so complicated."

He doesn't look so sure, but nods slowly and draws out the word, "okay." He doesn't say anything more to me as I get breakfast set up.

Once Harry comes back in and we're all sitting around the small table in the back of the tent, Ron says with a mouthful of food, "So what did Malfoy want, anyway? What were you two talking about last night?"

A blush rises on my cheeks, and I put down the slice of bread I was about to loose myself in. "We were just talking about how Draco is mistreated at home and really didn't want to be a Death Eater."

"Then why is he one? Why did he join them? Bloody coward," Ron mutters under his breath, purposefully loud enough that I can hear it.

"Ron, you're really not helping! I don't know what's happening, I'm just as confused as you are." I go back to my food, ignoring the look he's giving me. Harry watches our whole exchange silently, which is probably a good idea. If he says something wrong, Ron will lash out, and we both know how that will end.

Once I'm all done eating, I go over to the small cot I've turned into a makeshift bed and lie down, staring up at the top of the tent. I'm picturing the constellations Draco and I saw last night, the stars that reflected on the river winding around the tent. I just don't know what to do. I've never felt anything for Draco before, but last night was awfully romantic. And in our fourth year, when I was going to ask Ron to the Yule Ball...was it because I felt something for him? Or was I just fooling myself? Am I still fooling myself. I have so many questions, my head starts to hurt.

As I roll over onto my side to fall the wall, I tuck my legs under the thin wool blanket. I'm still exhausted, I stayed up pretty late last night. But I can't stop wondering, what happened to Draco? What is he doing right now, and was last night just a fluke to get me to trust him? Some cruel Death Eater trick? I'm so confused. I drift off to sleep again, plagued with questions.


Ron is standing at one end of the Room of Requirement, Draco at the other. I'm in the middle, my wand nowhere to be seen. I don't know what's happening, but when I try to take a step to leave, I can't move my legs. I'm frozen with some sort of spell.

I'm wearing a thin pink dress, the sleeves revealing my shoulders. It's shorter than I would have liked, too, much more revealing than anything I've ever worn. A sash is tied around my waist, tightly, as if to force me to be skinnier than I am.

Draco and Ron race for me at the same time, but it's like there's some sort of protective barrier around me. They can't get through, no matter how hard they try. They get more and more angry.

Soon, they're cursing each other. Draco yells something I can't hear; it sounds like I'm underwater. Ron is blasted backwards with a flash of blinding white light. I try to close my eyes, to look away, to stop them. But there's nothing I can do, I'm stuck.

Ron shouts something else, and Draco is covered in bleeding wounds. He collapses on the ground, and I try to cry out. He needs help!

Ron races over to me, the barrier gone. He kisses me, but I don't enjoy it. Draco comes over, fast, yanking me into his arms. He kisses me as well, and I struggle to break free. What are they doing?

I'm tugged back and forth between them, a human toy, just a prize to be won.


My eyes fly open, and I sit up, breathing heavily. When I look down, I'm wearing the same sweater and jeans I fell asleep in. Not that filthy dress. I shudder and wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, remembering the horrible feel of hungry lips on mine. They didn't want me for love, no.

Shaking, I step out of bed and pull on my boots. What did that dream mean? If anything, now I'm more confused than ever.

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