Chapter One: "Yes, I'm from the dark side."

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 "Come on Tyler! Let go of the cereal bowl please!" I told my brother

He's been eating those cereals ever since I got down from my room

"Just wait a minute you nerd we have like 30 minutes before school starts..." he told me while pouring another batch of cereal into his bowl and adding milk and then shoving a spoonful of it into his mouth

I rolled my eyes at him and then went to the living room dropping my bag on the floor the same time my older brother coming down from his room with a grin plastered on his face

I frowned at him and he looked at me and laughed

"Why the long face sis?"

"Yuck, you're actually calling me 'sis? What is with you Ethan?"

"I just received a text from two girls today asking me if I have any plans later after school" he answered giving me goose bumps

"Tch. Such a manwhore" I muttered which I know that he heard and chose to ignore it

"Where's Tyler?"

"Still eating, can you please call him? We're going to be late and I'm hitching a ride with him because Dad brought my car for repairs."

"Why are you still driving that car? It's a very old model Em, you can ask dad for a new one..." he suggested

I sighed, I just can't let go of that car. It has too many memories...

My brother noticed my expression changed and sat beside me

"Hey Em I know it's hard to forget but if you try it one step at a time it will pass. Maybe getting a new car would help you." He said to me softly

I sighed again and looked at my brother's steel grey eyes

"Yeah I know, it's's just so hard to forget Ethan. So hard that I couldn't sleep almost every night..."

My eyes began to water and Ethan quickly hugged me

"Awww! Early morning hugs without me?! That's unfair!" Tyler exclaimed when he saw Ethan hugging me

He then hugged me too and we all laughed after a few minutes

My brothers' are suckers for hugs.

After a few bickering here and there we all decided to take Ethan's car to school because he is the eldest, his words not mine, I called shotgun and Tyler groaned when he realized he's going to be alone in the backseat.

"Why do you have to be in shotgun every time? It's unfair!" he complained

"Because I'm a girl?"

"Now that's just being sexist, come on I'm older than you by two minutes."

"So? You can ride shotgun when we go home." I told him and he gave me a nod

When we arrived almost everyone in the parking lot turned their heads to us. Geez, I was really hoping that I would complete the first day of school without much attention from the student body.

We were walking towards the school entrance and I could hear them talking

"It's them...gosh they look like celebrities."

Oh please, if you only knew that Tyler doesn't brush his teeth after breakfast

"Look at what Emily is wearing, that looks like an expensive shirt"

Wow, so band t-shirts that are given away at concerts are now expensive?

"Look at her bag, it's so cool"

It's Ethan's bag when he was a freshman! Seriously!

"Tyler is so hot, omg"

Tyler? Hot? That doesn't sound pleasant at all

"Em can you stop frowning? You're scaring people" Tyler told me

"It's better to scare them at least they'll leave me alone. Seriously, they even think you're hot." I complained

Tyler pouted (ew) and faced me

"You don't think I'm hot?"

"Ew Ty! Why would I think that my brother is hot? That's just wrong on so many levels."

He paused taking the words in

"You're right. Anyway, we still have the same schedule that means we're still stuck with each other." He informed me while grinning ear to ear

Tyler Jordan Ford has never left my side since middle school, he's like stuck to me. Of course you have those twin thingy and even when Tyler became a member of the soccer team and eventually gained friends with the same IQ level as him, he still hang out with me at school or sometimes invite me over to their table.

"I'm still not going to let you copy my home works." I told him and then quickly went to my locker

He caught up to me and complains that he is older by two minutes so I should respect him and help him in school. I just rolled my eyes and ignored my brother until it's time for homeroom.

After our first period we have a free period so I decided to go to the library to answer the homework Mr Berns gave us.

"I don't get why you won't let me copy the homework, all of us are going to have the same answer anyway."

"Tyler, can you shut up? I can't concentrate."

"Come on Emmy, you're being rude here."

I stared at him with disbelief, yes people, my brother just called me rude because I won't let him copy the homework

"I'm rude? You're the one who's been forcing me to let you copy. Wait till Mama hears about this."

He gasped dramatically while putting his hands on his cheeks

Ugh, such the eternal drama queen, my brother is

Great, now I'm talking like Master Yoda

"Are you from the dark side? I really sense a disturbance in the force when I'm with you."

I stopped writing and faced him with a serious look on my face and said "Yes Tyler, I am from the dark side."

Hello lovely people! This is my first story here on Wattpad although I've been using this amazing thing for almost 5 years now I have not got the guts to publish any of my stories. Hope you like it!

PS. I am open for any constructive criticism so fire away! I'll receive them and I will improve. Thank you!

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