Chapter Two: "Did you just say 'fabulous'?"

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Every Tuesday and Friday I and my brothers have this sibling tradition of choosing each other's outfit, one cannot complain what the other choose because we already signed it in a contract.

Yes, we have a contract and it was Tyler's idea

It is fun most of the time but sometimes we kinda do it just for the sake of embarrassing each other. We draw lots to determine who will dress up whom and it gave me a phobia of Ethan. Last year, it was Ethan who gets to choose my outfit for the whole school year and I've had the worst year of my life.

My brother being the nice person that he is decided to 'make a new person out of me' (his words not mine).

If it's not Outfit Day (words of Tyler) my usual school clothes would be a simple shirt or sometimes a tank top if it's a hot day, black jeans, rip jeans, board shorts, converse or vans or flip flops. I have never owned anything girly in my whole life, well except for that yellow hat Pops gave me last summer; it is probably the first girly thing I owned.

Anyway, it's Tuesday and I'm in my room wearing a bathrobe waiting for my brother to come out of my closet and show me what he picked for today.

If you are asking who that brother is, it's Tyler, thank the heavens!

Tyler is going to pick my clothes

I'm going to pick Ethan's clothes (mwahahaha)

And Ethan's going to pick Tyler's clothes *cue evil laugh again here*

"Tyler! Hurry up! We're going to be late!"

A few minutes later he came out and threw the clothes he picked on my face


One thing that I like about my twin brother is that he knows my style and he's really good when choosing an outfit. Once I asked him if he's gay I got tackled to the ground and had a black eye.

Clearly, he's not gay. He's a manwhore.


He gave me a smile then went back to his room to see what our dearest older brother picked for him.

I changed into the clothes Tyler picked for me; a red loose shirt, black skinny jeans and a black converse. He also picked this cool blue socks with cute rubber ducky prints.

I love rubber duckies and I am not ashamed of it.

There is a small crowd forming in front of the school gate when we arrived, I hitched a ride again with Tyler because Dad hasn't brought my car back from the repairs.

"So..." I dragged "What can you say about your outfit today?"

"It's fabulous Em..." Tyler answered me dryly which I answered with a laugh.

He slammed the car door when he got out and I only laughed at him silently. He's wearing a pink collared shirt and some khaki pants and mandals.

I paused before following him "Did you just say fabulous?"

He sighed and then turned to me "Yes Em now let's go or we'll be late"

I shrugged and then followed him. My brother's a bit irritated today as much as I wanted to annoy him I would like to keep my face intact and black eye free.

I was taking my notes from my locker when I heard a shriek from a few girls. I cringed and covered my ears while Tyler groaned beside me.

"What is happening?"

I grabbed a freshman who just came from the location of screaming girls looking like he just saw Freddy Krueger. Poor guy...

"Hey, what is happening there?" I asked him

His hands were shaky and I told him to calm down.

"Blake Larkin is back..." and then he dashed away to the island of mystical rainbows and unicorns

"Who is Blake Larkin?" I asked Tyler

"You don't know him? He's the school bad boy or so they say."

I scoffed "School bad boy? Isn't that so cliché?"

Tyler just shrugged and then we made our way to our first class.

Chemistry is boring even though it's just the third subject of the day, especially when you got paired with your brother whom you see every day for the rest of the semester. Yay! not.

 Although this time it's Ethan and not Tyler, Tyler took AP Chemistry because he's all smart and that and Ethan had to take this course again because he failed it last year.

Mrs Caroway started explaining some stuff about the mixture of these and that and I zoned out because why not?
Ethan, however, is miraculously listening well to the teacher and taking down notes. I looked at him with judging eyes and he immediately responded by flicking my forehead.

"I actually like Chemistry you's just that I didn't take it seriously because Eva and I were cutting classes. I never went to any of my chemistry class."

Ethan had this girlfriend before where she would drag him anywhere she wants whether it's a school day or not and my brother being the idiot who is madly in love followed her everywhere. They broke up six months into the relationship after he found out that she was actually cheating on him with a college guy.

"Okay now you can begin with the experiment for today and hand your recorded data before you go out." Mrs Caroway instructed us.

We immediately worked with the experiment with Ethan doing all the mixing because I suck at it so I just wrote what he told me. 

Forty five minutes later the bell rang.

Lunch time!

 Ethan and I just finished our experiment. So far he has not done anything that would danger my grades and Mrs Caroway complimented our work. 

We walked to the cafeteria and took our seats with our usual spot. Third table on the right side next to the glass wall. It's quite secluded because not many kids sit here and we like to be the secluded ones at lunch because kids would sometimes stare at us like we're aliens.

Ethan got up to buy our food so I took out my camera and started looking at the photos I took yesterday. A lot of them were my brothers, that's how close we are or that's how narcissist they are because they've been begging me to take photos of them. For awesome profile photos purpose. 

I smiled when the I saw the photo of Tyler and Ethan posing like Vogue models. Ethan has his hands on his hips with his elbow pointing forward while his legs were criss crossed and him looking at the camera with a constipated look on his face, Tyler has the same pose but he was looking away from Ethan. 

I opened my camera lens and scanned the cafeteria for funny shots of people eating  

Weird, I know but it's fun.

I was looking through my lens when suddenly I saw only pitch black. 

I tried to adjust my lens but it was the same. When I lowered my camera I saw someone staring at me. He was wearing this typical bad boy look minus the leather jacket and the glare. He was actually just staring back and forth from the table to me.

"Uhh...Can I help you?" I asked slowly

"Yeah...this is my seat." he answered. Wow, his voice sounded boyish but there's a deep sound to it. Maybe he's still going through puberty.

My eyes widened and I was about to leave when Ethan appeared

"Hey Blake! Long time no see!"

second part with a cliffhanger! :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2016 ⏰

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