The Talk Part 2

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"Stiles." Lydia said with a smirk overtaking her face, I sighed and rolled my eyes at her.

"You knew from the beginning who I liked you just wanted to back me into a corner so I wouldn't lie to you." How did she even know Stiles? I know for a fact that she hasn't spoken a word to him since elementary school. "So how did you know?" There was no point in waiting for her to reply to my last comment since we both knew that she had.

"It wasn't that hard, you blush everytime you're around him, you lose all ability to speak and you talk in your sleep. What I don't know is how long you've liked him." Crap I didn't know that I talked in my sleep.

"I never promised to tell you that just to tell you if you were correct in your guess of who I liked." She would lose it if she knew how long i have liked him, probably create a full scale seduction plan that I would die of embarrassment over.

"Oh come on there's no point in keeping it secret now. I know you had to have liked him for at least three years now because you were crushing on him first day of freshman year so you had to know him before high school, was it eighth grade? Seventh?" She asked and I just blushed shaking my head at how close yet so far off she was. "Oh God please don't say it was longer than that." She said looking at me with the beginning of shock but I didn't answer her. "Illaria! How long have you liked him!" She was really panicked now, maybe because she had a suspicion about how long I've liked him. When I didn't answer again she reached over and shook me, "Illaria tell me!" I didn't want to tell her because she would push me on him and if he hadn't noticed me by now then he wasn't going to.

"Since I met him." I tried to evade the question as much as I could.

"Which was when Illaria?" She was getting a little annoyed now and I could tell but I could not deal with her ploys when I knew for a fact that Stiles was in love with Lydia.

"When did I meet him? It was when we first talked to each other." I was pulling a Stiles tactic but I didn't care.

"Illaria I will ask Stiles when you two first met if I have to so just tell me." The worst part about what she said is that she would do it and there was no way that turned out without him finding out about my crush on him.

"Fine, fine. I met him on our fourth grade field trip to the water plant." I mumbled the part about what grade we were in hoping Lydia wouldn't catch it and think I was talking about the same field trip we took in the sixth grade. Only I was apparently all out of luck seeing as she heard me.

"The fourth grade! Why am I just now hearing about this?! You should have been dating the bastard by now!" I didn't want to point out the fact that this isn't the first time she's heard about my fourth grade crush but she was a genius so she quickly remembered. "Wait a minute is he the same crush? Your first crush ever was this Stiles' kid? Have you ever liked anyone else?" I shook my head no, I might as well tell her everything anyway. "I know you're shy but have you ever tried to ask him out? Six years is a long time to like someone." I scoffed at her, of course I knew that six years was a long time to like someone.

"How could I possibly ever ask him out when I know he's in love with someone else?" I said with a little bitterness in my voice I hadn't meant to escape, it's not like I blame Lydia, she never did anything to make him think she likes him. It just hurt is all, everyone always did prefer my sister over me why not my own crush?

"It's that Scott kid isn't it? Oh man did you develop a crush on a gay guy?" I wanted to burst out laughing at the idea that Scott and Stiles were a thing, they were brothers not lovers.

"No he doesn't love Scott at least not like that, they're family in a way." Besides that just look at the way Scott looked at that new girl Allison today, he was already in lust with her but probably thought it was love at first sight knowing how much of an idiot Scott could be sometimes.

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