Central Academy

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"Mr. Newmen, stop this at once!" Pr. Sinder shouted.

"Sorry Pr. S I just thought the trophy case needed a fresh coat of paint." The smug 15 year old snickered at the English professor.

"Mr. Newmen, spray painting the trophy case with pink spray paint is highly against the school..." Pr. Sinder started.

"Against the school rules, I've heard the detention spheal a thousand times before." The boy replied before.

"Well maybe if you didn't cause so much trouble you'd hear it less often." The teacher said sternly.

"Well maybe if the school lighten up a bit then..."

"Mr. Newmen I've had just about enough of you!!!"

"Let me guess head masters office?"

"You know the way by now." Pr. Sinder said.

The student and teacher crossed paths unaware that they've been watched the whole time.

Wow that Jason kid sure is a troublemaker, how did someone like him get into Central? Landen Loften, a fourth year student thought to himself while holding his textbooks.

Landen had been going to central for 4 years and is hoping to make his final year as quiet and low key as possible.

Landen made his way to his second hour Calculus class and unknowingly bumped into someone. He looked up to see the very person who just got sent to the head masters office, Jason Newmen.

"Oh, sorry I wasn't looking where I was going."

"S'ok I was just on my way outta here anyway." The younger boy replied.

"But it's only second hour." The older replied.

"Yeah well I figure if I've already been sent to the headmasters office and sent home early, should I really argue with him then." The 15 year old said with a raised eyebrow.

"Well then good luck to ya." Landen said.

"I've seen you around, Landen right?" The boy asked.

"Yep and I've heard all about you Mr. Jason Newmen." The 17 year old said holding out a hand.

"And I highly doubt this is the last you'll see of me." He said shaking his hand.

And with that the rebellious 15 year old was gone.

I wonder what he meant by that? Landen thought as he continued to calculus.

What Landen didn't know is that Jason would soon cause him to make a major decision in his life that would affect him, Jason, and everyone around them forever.

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