Chapter 2

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-Jason's POV

"So what do you think?" I asked Peter after downing my 5th drink.

"Well it's a good plan, but will it work, you said it yourself this Landen guy is totally against gays." He responded.

"Yeah, but I do have my ways, remember I turned that kid in my old school gay." I reminded him.

"True, but Jason are you totally sure you can turn this kid gay." He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, well I better get going the guys are waiting for me." I said handing Peter my amount due before leaving.

I made my way to the junkyard where the guys were waiting for me.

"Hey J, where you been." Evan asked me once I got there.

"Sorry guys I stopped for a drink." I explained to them.

"Well you could've given us a heads up." Madison told me.

"Sorry didn't realize I had to report to you my location every second." I snidely said to her.

"Hey back off man." Cal said obviously a little angry about my comment to his girl.

"Hey man, I'm just saying that your not the leader here." I reminded him.

"He knows that, calm down Cal." Madison said kissing him on the cheek.

"Anyway guys I got an announcement to make." I said getting their attention.

"Alright what's you got to tell us." Evan asked as the three gathered around me.

"Lady and gentlemen I have found my next target." I said taking my seat on an old box.

"Oh, do tell." Madison said with her arm wrapped around Cal.

"His a fourth year at my school named Landen." I explained.

"I think I've seen him around town, I don't know Jason he does have a girl, how do you expect to get him on your side?" Evan asked me.

"Please Evan, once he gets a taste of this he'll be on my team for sure." I said sounding a little overconfident.

"Alright, good luck with your plan." Madison said rolling her eyes.

"Glad you said that Mad's cause your going to help me." I said obviously shocking her.

"What, how am I going to help you?" She asked generally confused.

"You go to school with his girl Victoria, you know when you bother to show up." I reminded her.

"Yeah, so?" She asked.

"I need you to get info on her so I know what I'm dealing with."

"And why would I help you?"

"Because you owe me for covering for you when the cops asked about the weed." I reminded her causing all the color to rush from her face.

"Hey man, that wasn't her fault." Cal said clenching his fists.

"No babe, J's right I do owe him, alright I'll do it." She said shaking my hand.

"Glad to have you on board."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2014 ⏰

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