Chapter 3 The Questions

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Chapter 3 The questions

“Ahh yeah he is obviously! I mean he toke you to meet his grandparents which means he obviously really likes you!!” exclaimed Amy.

“I wish I had a guy like that!” replied Molly.

“Haha you could get a guy like that Molly! And he's technically not my guy. We're not dating.”

“Yea, but you guys would be such a cute couple!” exclaimed them all.

“That doesn't mean we should be together now. Theres this thing called waiting.”

“why would you wanna wait?” said mlly confused.

“Here's the thing girls, I honestly really like him. But I dont want a relationship right now. You guys know I just go out of one! And I have other things that I need to worry about right now. Boys arent always one my mind! You may think they are but they're not. I just happen to have allot of guy friends.”

“Yea right!” Said all the girls carcastlically.

“Thanks for all the sarcasm this early in the morning!” exclaimed Brianna

“No problem” said Molly and Amy

Why do you guys think that I dont have allot of guy friends? Wondered Brianna

“Well they all flirt with you!” exclaimed Molly

Dont you think that would kinda sorta bother Adam? Asked Amy

“Umm..No! He flirts with girls allot.” replied

Well.....molly started to say but she was cutt off.

RING RING RING!!!!! Went the school bell

See you guys later! Love you guys yelled brianna as she quickly walked tawards the stairs. She needed to get outta there!


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