Ever wonder what it's like to be the most powerful creature known to man kind. well Maya hart knows that all to well... what will happen in her senior year of high school??
Riley pov I've killed so many people I didn't mean to but I did. Once I got the craving for blood there was no stopping me I had no control. I could hear the blood pumping through there veins and I could smell it too. I... i... I was a ripper. (Tvd reference😏😉) I felt so much guilt and remorse I didn't want to feel anymore I couldn't do it. That's when I turned off my humanity.
After I turned off my humanity it was so easy to kill. I was no longer sunshine and rainbows Riley she was gone.
Maya pov I was snuggling with Lucas on his couch, we didn't do anything but he let me wear one his shirts so that way I was more comfortable. (below)
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I got a phone call from Ben which was late for him to call especially out of no where so as soon as I answered I knew something was up.
M: what is it now?
B: hey can't I just call to say hey
M: we both know that's not why you called now spill
B:ok ok there are "animal" attacks in the woods by your house it's on the news I think you should take care of that don't you?
M:damn it ok yeah I'll text you later bye
I tried to get up but Lucas wrapped his arms around me.
Lucas I gotta go there are "animal" attacks i have to stop I'll be right back I promise
I used air quotes around the word animal and no one but me knows it's Riley because I don't want anyone to think less of her she is going threw hell right now. With that i changed and left Lucas' house and now I was off to save Riley... from herself.
It took me a little but to get to the woods where all the animal attacks Occurred a little while ago but that didn't stop Riley she was feeding on a innocent citizen behind a tree and dozens of other bodies around her. They were compelled not to scream or run so that way she wouldn't have a problem with getting caught. I snapped my fingers in her face and stood there but instead of her being Riley and talking to me she attacked me. I was still in my human form so I couldn't do as much damage and I didn't have time to turn. she had me pinned against a tree so all I could do was scratch her, a scratch won't hurt her but if I bit her the venom would poison her and they don't know about the cure. after she was scratched she quickly ran thinking she was hurt. I fell in the floor with a bleeding lip and mumbled as my eyes glowed green in anger.
It's on bitch
hey sorry it's not that long of a chapter I'm just really busy because I'm on vacation at the time I'm posting this for 2 weeks so I might not update as often I'll update my stories maybe 1 or 2 but I usually update a lot so don't freak out and don't forget to comment and vote thanks guys luv ya gotta zayn -Aubree