Chapter 35

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Dominic looked at his appearance. He was neat. A simple and modest outfit. He hoped it would show he was serious. He couldn't do this. He knew he couldn't do this. He would have someone else do it for him. And he knew just the man.

This was all over. This pretence. This farce of a marriage. She was sick of him, and yesterday she had seen she could truly be happy. And he was only happy when she was. Therefore, if she got this, he could move on in their relationship.

Their relationship was unclear. A mix of friendship and fear on both sides. He couldn't take this anymore. He was broken.

Yesterday after they had returned from shopping, she had ignored him the rest of the day. After he had talked and later retuned she had turned back into the ice queen. He couldn't take that, she had slammed the door in his face and went to bed. He had made a dinner, well the cook had, and he wanted her to join him. Instead she had said she was exhausted and had stayed up all night talking to Alice.

He had just come back from Jacqueline's room. He hadn't slept there. But he had gone to deliver a note to her. Now the rest of the plan would fall into place.

He tugged the grey cotton and the pearled white buttons of his doublet showed the wealth he had."Will, my lord require anything else?"

"No. You are dismissed for the day. I have errands."

"Very good, my lord." Dermont bowed and left the room with a towel and a row of servants who were permitted to serve only. Not speak.

He took a deep breath and muttered a prayer, for what he was about to do he would need the strength of the lord. He would walk in as the proud man he was, no woman would be a hindrance on him. He brushed his cheek and winked at himself, then left his bedroom.


William sat quietly in the chapel. His head bent down and he mumbled a quick prayer for his life to work out. He opened his eyes and stared at the virgin Mary and baby Jesus with a blissful expression.

He wished he could be so lucky. The only problem was his brother in law. His perfect, rich and powerful brother in law. Lord Dominic DeFleur! The iciest coldest bastard in the world.


"Father DeWhite," A old man chuckled and William spun around. His eyes froze and he blushed furiously.

"Your eminsence, forgive me!" William bent his head low and knelt towards the man's red shoes."I am remorseful."

The man laughed and told William to rise. William got up and bowed before the old man patted beside him. This was the King's personal priest. One of the most holiest men in the country, below the King but above the courtesans. And much more worthy than him.

He sat in royal red clothing and his head held high, held the brightest of smiles."I remember when I swore my problems in here. I do it in my chapel now, I was always afraid His Majesty would find me cussing like a fish wife."

William sat quietly. His head in his hands. But he listened as the old man spoke."Belief, Father DeFleur. Sometimes help comes in the most deserted forms."

The old man looked up with a smile. Getting up he patted William's shoulder and waited as a young man bowed to him. William could not recognise who it was. Most courtiers wore bright garbs, jewels and rich clothes. Apart from the pearls on his well worn doublet he looked like a peasant.

"Your eminence," Dominic's voice rumbled and William swore again. The old man laughed and brushed Dominic's hair affectionately before leaving the chapel.

"Is there something the matter, my lord?"

Dominic looked at William's face and felt his heart plummet. Dominic slowly sank to his knees. He kept his head down, he did not want to see William's smug expression."Father, forgive my sins."

Under His Watch {16th Century Valois-Orléans-Angoulême Romance]Where stories live. Discover now