Happy birthday Goofy

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"Okay, time for bed," I got up from the couch and pressed the power button on the remote to turn off the tv.

It wasn't turning off and the next episode already came up on the screen.

'Happy birthday Goofy'

The words were a dark red.
There was no intro.

I went over to the tv to turn it off from there. It wasn't working and my nephew refused to leave.

"Just one more episode please?" He begged. I rolled my eyes from the crazy idea and sat back down next to him.

The screen was a little bit more fuzzy this time. It showed Mini Mouse putting up the last of the decorations for the birthday party. She wore a pink party hat and held a cake.

This episode didn't seem so bad, but the animation looked a bit off.

All of Mickey's friends were there, except for Goofy of course.

"Shh, he's coming," Mickey whispered and they all scrabbled to places to hide.

Goofy walked into the house crying. His sobs sounded so real, it made my blood turn cold. It's as if they replaced his voice with another recording. He had a black eye that looked realistic and a bloody lip. I noticed he was missing an arm. The bone was sticking out and he limped in further into the room.

I had a bad feeling about this...

"Surprise!" They all crawled out of their hiding places. They grabbed Goofy to force him to sit in a chair. They all gathered around the table with joy. Goofy's face looked so pale and terrorized.

The scene cut to show that their eyes appeared black with blood dripping underneath them. The music sounded like it was playing backwards in a satanic way.

Mini placed the cake on the table in front of him, making him sob even more.

"I'll let you cut the first piece," Mini handed the knife over to Goofy. He slowly grabbed the knife and and began cutting the cake with a shaking arm. Tears escaped his eyes and the deeper he cut into the cake, the more blood came out of it.

All his friends stood there watching like they enjoyed it.

He cut deeper until there was a crunch noise. He lifted the piece up and put on his plate with a squish sound and placed the knife down to grab a fork.

"Thanks for letting me use your arm for the cake. Happy birthday Goofy," Mini kissed his cheek. He looked at the tv screen with a depressed look, as if he was waiting for me to help him. The tv screen started to turn red and I swallowed a lump in my throat. The episode ended after that.

Who's idea was it to make this tape? I got up from the couch and took the tape out feeling fed up from the nonsense that's been happening.

"That's enough," I threw the tape on the floor and stepped on it to break it into pieces.

"Time for bed," I ordered my nephew but he remain seated, staring at the tv.

"Shh. Its about to start," he pointed over to the tv.

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