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Don't even ask why or how I thought of this cuz I don't even know....😕

"Huckleberry You have some explaining to Do!"Yells a furious Miss Watson,her face bright with fury.With two of her bone like fingers she grabs him by the ear.He puts up a little bit of struggle,making her madder.

"You have to the count of three to explain yourself"She threatens

"Well,ya see,whin two people like each otha very much..."She cuts him off

"No!Not like that!I mean who's is it?It better not be that Sawyer boy or so help me Finn I will..."

This time it's he who cuts her off,a bright red blush coating his cheeks.

"It is."

"Your not to be around him any more,Ya hear me?"

"Yes,Mam"He whispers under his breath as Miss Watson storms off mumbling to herself "Wait till the Widow hears about this"

Well,this sucked ass and was way too short sorry about that

Tom Sawyer ×Hucleberry Finn OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now