Tom and Huck sat crossed legged by the fire,taking in the warmth and trying to dry their soaked clothing.They could hear the rain pounding off the roof of the cave.
Tom scooted closer to chuck,and Huck did not move.
"Huck,I got somtin Ive bin needin tu tell Ya."
"Wut is it?"
And with this Tom smashed his lips into Huckleberrry's.
Hick kissed back deepening the kiss .Tom climbed on top of him,and Chuck pushed him away."Tom init this wrong?"
A look of guilt appeared on Tom's face
"Yea your right,we'll both get a licking if anyone finds out"
Tom Sawyer ×Hucleberry Finn Oneshots
РазноеOh yes I'm doing this Got a problem with it? I'll shove a cactus up your ass FIGHT MEH BITCHES!!