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Note: I have all chapters from 0- xiii now published so if you missed any chapter make sure you go read it. TY LOVES~


"Jimin hyunnng!" Zelo shouted cutely when he saw his...
"Hi cutie." Jimin said kissing his boyfriends cheek.

After the whole confession at Zelos house, Junhong decided that maybe he should give poor Jimin a chance.


"Jimin hyung, I'm glad you feel that way about me and I- I would give you a chance but I don't want it to seem like I'm using you as a... rebound. It'll make me feel guilty and I don't want that." Junhong explained looking down, trying to cover his face from guilt. "I'm sorry hyung." He said quietly.

The only thing present in the room was silence. Junhong was expecting to hear footsteps and his front door slam shut but it never came. Instead he felt a soft hand caress his cheek. Uncovering his face he saw a smiley Jimin. "I would never force you to a relationship Junhong. Even if you use me as a rebound, I wouldn't care because heck Junhong. I love you so much. I will help you get over that playboy."

Smiling, Junhong leaned into the touch. "Then... can we try...?" He asked hesitantly. Jimin smiled, his eyes turning into crescents. "Of course." He answered trying to contain his excitement.

Flashback end

Jimin interlocked their hands and kissed Junhongs nose as they made their way out of the school for the day. Just as they were clear, the couple heard a cough.
"So you guys are... a couple?"

Junhong's eyes widened as he whipped around.
"Yoongi hyung..."

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