Chapter 10

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Spring was in full bloom, birds sang their songs, animals welcomed new life, and dragons flew in the sky. This was a particularly strange sight to the wolf. He has not seen dragons since he was a young pup… Something was definitely wrong. Dragons kept to themselves. They never appeared in the open.

It has been nine full days since he had left the others behind. They frequented his thoughts many times during the days. Once, he could have sworn that he could scent them, but he made it off as his imagination.

As the wolf steadily mad his way through the forest, his mind began to wander back to when he was still a young wolf, the memories flashed through his mind like lightning. He wished that he could go back, and make up to his pack for the wrong he has done them… But some things can never be changed. Some things can never be forgiven.

His thoughts returned to the present, and he remembered once again why he was currently on this certain oath. Three days ago he picked up the scent of the Elf he was hunting, time was fast running out. His wolf mind pondered for a moment what he would do when faced with the creature that had shot him. He was not whole… the elf… there was something missing inside of him, this much the wolf knew.

After about two leagues the wolf came to halt, he had been running at a steady trot, and he was starting to tire more quickly. He sniffed the air and he picked up the scent of fresh mountain water. As he veered off the road, he came across a small stream he quenched his thirst.

Suddenly the old wolf's ears pricked, and across the stream three figures emerged, he slowly lifted his head, ears flattened against his head. He started to growl as the three figures approached him carefully. Then he realized that they were Grey Elves. He retreated slowly, careful so as to not turn his back on them, lest they mean him harm.

Then he felt the lead elf speak to his mind. He showed him that he meant the wolf no harm, and they have been following him for a few leagues. They were curious as to why an old wolf like him was traveling alone in as dangerous times as these.

They were from a small guard of elves, that were commissioned to track down a small group of human bandits who were terrorizing the nearby villages.

By now the old wolf was sitting down, his ears pricked forward as the elf conveyed his intentions, unsure as to how to communicate with the elf, the wolf started to project images of his adventures thus far into the elf's mind. It was difficult for him, for he had never been touched by another's mind before. It was a strange encounter...  

The elf spoke to his other companions, telling them of all the wolf had shown him. They all gasped in what the wolf understood was surprise. They elf then turned to  the wolf, and spoke to his mind again, and said that they would be honored if they could accompany him on his journey, for they were also searching for the Tainted Elf.

The wolf then showed his interpretation of agreement by baring his teeth, and giving a small howl.

The elves then settled down beside the river, and made a small campfire, surrounded by brown rocks they salvaged from the river.

The old wolf settled by the down by the river. Chewing on a huge bone the lead elf had given him.

Night descended rapidly. 

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