The Next Day. . .(Kazeragi's P.O.V.)

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ATTENTION: ((Slanted words are other characters speaking. Based on the context clues you should easily be able to identify which character that is. And Bold Slanted words are the narrator's words being spoken , in this selection the narrator is Kazeragi Sisoshaki.))

    "We can go out to dinner or you can cook. I heard from Kouhji your a pretty good cook. Hehe. . .Kaze! Are you even listening?!". . .I could faintly hear Iksuki babbling on about his ideas for our first date. Although, I did not fully grasp his words for I was thinking of my back up plans for when Iksuki realized that going out to dinner meant going out in public. He hardly ever leaves the apartment now, with me that is. I had to force him to come to this informational meeting everyone in our building was appointed to attend today.  As I stood there, pretending to listen to the building manager, I felt a tight grip on my arm. I could instantly tell it was Iksuki. Only he would cling to my arm and ding his fingernails deep into my arm. Even if  my arm were to be stained with my own blood from his fingernails, he would not release me. He only did this when he was frightened, so his actions were understandable. I doubt Iksuki even realizes that he grips my arm when scared. It must be an unknown habit to him now, but of course I would notice his habits. . .I looked down to see an elderly woman going to hit Iksuki with a rolled up newspaper, as if he were a dog in training. Instinctively, I stood in front of Iksuki to get him out of harms way. "Kaze tell her not to hit me with that newspaper. Go on, tell her Kaze!" As soon as Iksuki uttered those words I knew exactly why this woman would raise her hand in anger towards him. "Excuse me Ma'am. There is no need for all this. I allow my friend to address me by my shortened first name, despite his age."  The woman, after hearing my explanations, lowered her hand and pinched my cheek. "I see. Can you ever forgive this little old lady's mistake?" It appeared that her anger had disappeared instantaneously. She had a totally different aura to her now. A much nicer one. I nodded my head in approval. She then bowed showing that she understood. "Thank you and please enjoy the rest of your day."  Having apologized, the elderly woman walked away.

    "Kaze, why did she apologize to you? You were not even the one she attacked. And I thought we were going out?"  I stood there until the manager properly dismissed the group. I then made my way over to the elevators, trying to ignore Iksuki and his childish behavior. Which became harder to achieve when Iksuki followed me to the elevator doors, still complaining. "Answer me. Why did you call me your friend? I thought we were going out? You said yes when I asked you, was that just a joke? I may only be thirteen Kaze, but I am not stupid."  I turned around to see Iksuki sitting on the floor with his face in his hands "No Iksuki, do not turn this on me. You were the one who was careless and irresponsible. Calling me Kaze in public. I specifically told you to only call me that when strangers are not present. And I called you my friend, so what. If I would have said otherwise everyone in the whole building would soon know about us. I refuse to let the public ridicule me because you decided to go against what's expected and ask out a guy!" I could tell I was yelling at this point because not only was Iksuki looking up to me crying, but the few people that had not yet dispersed from the lounge were now eyeing me. Before I had time to justify myself to the people I heard someone call my name, followed by a quick punch to the arm. "Kazeragi!"  I turned around to see Kouhji. "How dare you yell at Suki! Come on Suki get up and let me clean your face."  Before I knew it Iksuki was on his feet now clinging to Kouhji. Of course! It just had to be him. "You always seem to show up at the most random of times, Kouhji." I glared at him. I had never liked him. Ever since I could remember he was always the one to try and get Iksuki to 'come to his senses' as he would call it. In other words Kouhji just wanted Iksuki to realize that he belonged with himself and not me. "Good thing to because every time I do show up your usually yelling at poor Suki."  He turned his back to me and went to assist Iksuki with his clown of a face. I quickly leaned over and picked up Iksuki, putting him on my back. "Come on Iksuki, you can fix your face upstairs in the bathroom."  He began pulling on my hair. But I ignored it and stepped into the elevator. "No Kaze, I wants to go with Kouhji now. Put me down you jerk."  I went to push the eighth floor button when Kouhji entered the elevator and slapped me. Leaving his burning red hand print on the left side of my face. "You heard him Kazeragi. Be the good man that you say you are and let him down."  I just stood there. Kouhji was scolding me. Iksuki had stopped pulling on my hair, probably awaiting my actions. Worst of all, I had a group of strangers staring at me with wide eyes and open mouths. No longer caring for the situation and the humiliation that came with it, I knelt down and let Iksuki climb off my back. I clenched my fists for hopes that that would stop me from giving Kouhji something that is long over due. I quickly exited the elevator, to ensure that I would not lose control, and headed straight for the stairs. As I did so I heard the elevator go up. "I guess Iksuki has made his choice." I held my head down low for the fear that someone would see me in distress

    I went to open the doors to the stairs when they suddenly flung open. An all to familiar face bumped into me. It was Kyra accompanied by Amari. I knew these two both from my photographer class. Kyra and I actually were the ones who completed the assignments while Amari was usually the subject we would photograph. "Oh Mr.Sisoshaki. I'm so sorry, I did not see you there."  Kyra was always the one to be formal with anyone, no matter the superior ranking to her. "It's alright. Although I wish you would call me Kazeragi. I am not your superior, we are the same age." She hugged me tightly and apologized once again. I looked over to Amari who also seem to be enjoying our little encounter. I could by the smirk on his face. "I'm sorry, Kazeragi. It's just your much more mature than I even if we are the same age.. . .But uhm, while I got you here I wanted to know if you finished your assignment for photography yet?"  Not only was Kyra always formal, she was always a procrastinator. Even though me and Iksuki had just had an argument I decided that I could still seize the day and help out a friend. Besides, wallowing over it would not make the outcome any different. "Oh yeah. I wasn't able to get a hold on Amari but I found another subject to shoot. I finished shooting yesterday. You do know it is due in a few days, right?" I could tell by the panic look in her eyes that this was news to her. She had obviously not finished let alone started her assignment. "No way, really?!. . .Oh man, I'll be in so much trouble for this one. I have to head home and get started right away! Sorry Amari, I didn't realize my deadline was this close. Mr.Siso- I mean Kazeragi would be happy to entertain you for me, right? Thanks!."  Before I could kindly deny her request she had run off leaving me in a daze. I thought she was going to ask me to help her. I guess she wants to accomplish this one on her own. Still, she could have taken Amari with her. I haven't actually fully finished my assignment yet. I pushed my classes back up onto the bridge of my nose and decided I would finish it later, after I did something with Amari. But what would I- "Well aren't you going to invite your old friend up for some tea?" I looked up to see Amari standing in the doorway with his hands on his hips and a grin smeared across his face. I guess I had no choice. It's not like I did not want to hang out with Amari, he is a close friend of mine whom I had not seen in a while, it's just I totally forgot about my assignment. And with him around, I knew it would not get finished. "Yeah, I was just about to inv-" He never lets me finish my sentence. I heard his footsteps as he ran up the stairs. He use to be on the track team so he was fast. I didn't know if I could keep up with him. I felt a smile creep it's way on my face. I missed his enthusiasm. "Mari! Wait up you know your much faster than I. Come on." I ran behind Amari, treading a good flight behind him in distance. As I ran as fast as I could to catch up I remember something of great importance. . .He doesn't know which floor is mine! He's just going to keep running either until I catch up, which would never happen, or he reaches the top. This building has over thirty floors and I live on floor number eight. I really did not want to run up 30 some floors. So I picked up my speed. Perhaps my endurance has increased since grade school. "Mari, you don't know which floor is mine slow down and I will tell you." Still running and breathing heavily I thought that would get him to stop, but sadly I was wrong. "Well I guess you'll just have to catch up and tell me 'cause I'm not stopping!"  I could hear him laughing hysterically as he picked up speed. "I'm going to have to run up all these stairs."  I took a deep breath and accepted the fact that I would have to run up every flight. "Still talk to yourself huh? Well that won't make you any faster Try running instead Kaze. I promise that will help."  Just like when we were young. Trying to improve me by mocking me. It truly has been too long.

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