2. Racing Stripes

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A/N- Hey, platypuses! I need to stop calling you that. Anyway, I THINK SOMEONE FOLLWED ME! Joy! Merriment! Love! Tears!

Moving on... Thanks SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO incredibly much jenna363 and The_dreamer_19. I- you- love- sobbing- dream come true- mascara running- JK, I don't wear any- OMG. 

A-anyway o-o-n with t-the st-tory. There will be another message of thanks in TBITB. Wow, that isn't a good abbreviation. 'Til next time.

(PS, I just watched Racing Stripes with my twin when I wrote this last summer, okay?)

                                                              ❉ ❉ ❉

My first airplane was awesome. The turbulence was thrilling, the seats reclined, but the food was a total no.

“Stuart, what’s New York like?” I asked.

“Oh, you know, big, polouted, surrounded by buildings, yada, yada.” Stuart said dismissively. 

I wrinkled my nose. “That’s New York? I thought it would be shiny, and, uh, stuff.”

“Apparently you’ve watched to many NYC movies. New York is upper-class, but dirty, girl. Take it from me.”

Suddenly, the seatbelt sign blinked on, and the curt captain’s muffled voice came over the plane.

“Attention passengers, *shuffle shuffle*, the seatbelt sign has been turned on, please fasten your seatbelts. *shuffle shuffle* We will be landing in 5 minutes.”

I squealed. “This might actually work!” 

Eventually, we landed, and took my first cab to a huge apartment building.

“Okay, this place, is huge.” I said, as we walked into a lobby. Suddenly, a guy with overly-gelled brown hair ran over to us.

“Finally!” He yelled. “I didn’t meet someone because they were thrown out of a cab!”

“Nadine, this is Tony.” Stuart said.

“Oh, hi Stuart!” the guy, apparently Tony, said. “Back from your girl scouts exchange?"

“Yes, and I would be pleased if you could refer to it as, 'The Co-Ed Flower Power Troop'.” Stuart said. “Oh, this is Nadine... um, no last name.” Stuart explained. “She’s an orphan, and we’re seeing if the Ross family wants to adopt her.”

“Cool!” Tony said.

“We’re actually headed up to their apartment right now! Wanna tag along?” Stuart asked.

“Sure!” Tony said. “That’ll give me a chance to cheer Jessie up about not getting that part in that show.” 

“Wait, who’s Jessie?” I asked.

“Jessie is a lifeless hog!” Said a foofy red-headed woman carrying a chihuahua in a matching outfit. “Ugh. Are you new here?” She asked, as she stalked away.

“It’s 9:00 at night, who is she and what is she up to?” I asked.

“Miss Chesterfield, the owner of the building, and witchcraft.” Tony said.

“So, I’m guessing she’s not the most pleasant?” I asked.

“How can you be unsure? You met her!” Tony said, as we entered the elevator.

I laughed, as Tony told the kind zebra operation the elevator- “Floor 12, please.” 

Wait, zebras don’t operate elevators-

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