5. Big Parties and Big Lies- Part 1

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A/N- Darn it, another copier. :(

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“Thank you so much!” I screamed, hugging Mom and Dad. I had just shredded the wrapping paper off my last Christmas present to reveal a blue X-Box! We had all gotten so many expensive presents, Mom and Dad’s bank accounts must have been gasping for air. “This must have been worth a fortune!”

“Please.” Dad scoffed. “It was free. I gave the salesman my name, autographed one of his kept receipts, and took the thing away without losing a dime.”

“Or to a lesser extent, a penny!” Mom said. Luke had gotten a giant flat-screen TV, Ravi had gotten a giant jade statue of a tiger, (DON'T. ASK.) Emma had gotten a Mount Everest of chunky sweaters and whatever the heck girls were into these days, and Zuri had gotten the sparkly unicorn equivalent of that. Jessie choked up when we handed her the 'World's Best Nanny' mug we found her. It actually said, 'World's Best Teacher', but we crossed it out and wrote nanny.

Heh heh.

“I… will forever… treasure this.” Jessie choked out.

“We should have gotten her sinus infection medication.” I whispered to Zuri and Emma as she wheezed. We laughed privately. Bertram adored his new Choo Choo Charlie Chimmins Train, and immediately pieced the track together.

“This is totes cool!” Emma squealed, as she gathered at least 50 articles of clothing into her arms, and ran upstairs at the speed of light. Zuri started playing with her unicorns, and all was Christmas-y with the world. I guess today was just one of those days when magic comes. Christmas is the most magical time of-

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“AH!” Emma screamed a few days later. It was now December 31st, and tonight at midnight, it would be a New Year. Here I was, writing out my New Years Resolutions, while she read a magazine online, then she jumps up, and screams. Thanks, Emma. I will forever remember this when I… learn to… do a backflip.

“Emma!” I yelled, throwing down my pen. “Isn’t it enough that I have to endure your constant lip-moving motion when you read? Now you’re going screaming like I just walked up to you and peed on your shoes!”

She glared at me, looked back down at her magazine, and screamed again, just as Jessie walked into the room. Thank you! Make her stop screaming!

“Okay, that’s not you- shoe sale scream, that’s not your ‘I got all A’s on my report card’ scream, because I’ve never heard that one before…” Jessie studied her. “That’s… your Austin Moon scream.” 

“Who’s Austin Moon?” I asked. They ignored me.

 “They just added him to tonight’s New Years Eve show in Times Square!” Emma warbled with joy.

“Who’s Austin Moon?” I repeated. Still ignored.

“Super!” Jessie said. “We will enjoy watching him from the safety of our penthouse.”

“Who?” Luke asked, as he walked in and grabbed a juice box.

“Austin Moon!” Emma replied dreamily.

“Who’s Austin Moon?” Luke asked, wrinkling his nose.

“A famous singer and a total heartthrob!” Emma said.

“Now what was I doing wrong?” I asked. (A/N- I Love Lucy fans will get this scene) Luke exited, and I trailed behind.

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