Chapter Sixteen: Haunting Eyes

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Cold grass tickled the bottoms of my feet and heavy drops of rain plopped against my skin, lifting my head towards the sky I saw dark clouds stir throughout the sky and low rumbling echoed through the field around me.

Loud screams piecered my ears causing me to twirl around in surprise, I searched the empty clearing for source of the screams but found nothing and no one. I let out a small sigh and turned back around, my heart trembled within my chest and I widened my eyes in horror at the sight before me.

Savon stood before me, a white shirt stained with blood and soaked from the rain clung to his chest. Blood coated the front of his throat like thick paint, his usual vibrant eyes were now cloudy and dull. His skin pale, his lips hinted with blue and his hair disheveled. 

Both of his hands shot out like lightening and grabbed me by my shoulders, his touch was bone chilling."Look at what you did to me Emerald, I was so nice to you and now I'm dead because of you. I even had feelings for you....but it doesn't matter now because I'm gone!" He snarled.

I grabbed onto his arms gently and shook my head, I stared into his cloudy eyes and sniffled."No...No...I'm sorry Savon, I never meant for you to get hurt because of me...I...I" I stuttered over my words.

He collapsed onto his knee's before me and fell onto the ground, his beautiful blue eyes stared up towards the sky as rain pelted against his still face. I dropped fell down to the ground next to his and cupped his face gently, panic weighed heavily on my chest as I patted his cheek."Savon...Savon!, No...No...your not gone...your not gone." I whispered.

A scream ripped from my lips as I shot up from my makeshift bed and my hands flew to my chest, my hair stuck to my sweaty skin and my breathing came out raspy. Throwing the covers off of my body I slid off the dining table and I pushed my damp hair away from my forehead as I marched out of the dining room. Servants and guards offered me assistance, asked questions and gave me wary looks as I made my way through the halls.

I walked up to the door I had been searching for and threw it open with ease, I slowly walked inside to be greeted by a sleepy Cassius sitting up in bed grumbling and a naked Katia clutching a sheet to her chest as she stared at me wildly. Cassius rubbed his eyes and glared at me."What the hell are you doing in here!?, Get out!"

Walking over to the edge of the bed I looked into his eyes and curled my lips in disgust."Did you really kill Savon?, I want you to tell me the truth right now and choose your words wisely." I hissed.

Cassius scoffed at me, his eyes turned into pools of anger and he smirked at me."Yes I killed your little traitor, I made sure it was long and painful for him to. Is that what you wanted to hear Witch?" 

An empty smile made its way onto my face, I shook my head lightly as I watched him."You should really learn to watch your tone with, I thank you for giving me the truth your majesty but you shouldn't have done that." I said as I let my gaze lay upon Katia.

Hot tears slid down my cheeks and my lips trembled as I spoke."I never thought my life would be so bad, I figured this arranged marriage would work out somehow and possibly we could grow to tolerate one another. Then all the lies began to unravel and your little facade fell away, I honestly thought I would always been along here but then I met Savon and he....he cared for me. He didn't look at me like I was some monster or call me a filthy blooded witch, he worried about my safety and my feelings. Now he's gone. Because Of You." 

Before Cassius could react I reached over the bed and grabbed a fistful of Katia's hair, dark inky veins spread along my body as power surged within me. I wiggled my fingers at Cassius before shoving my hand into Katia's chest, her eyes widened and she began choking for her breath.

"I could rip her heart out right now you now, make it quick for her but like you said, suffering is better." I chirped.

Katia's chest began to glow and light poured from inside her mouth as she gasped for air, the glowing faded as I pulled my hand from inside her chest and let her collapse onto the bed. She grabbed her throat and began coughing while Cassius hovered next to her. He looked up at me with fearful eyes."What did you do to her?" He whispered.

I leaned forward, gently running my fingers along the side of my face I stared into his eyes and smiled."I marked her soul, which means her time is up when I say so. With a snap of my fingers I can rip her spirit out of her body and it will most definitely be painful. You wanna be a big prince now?, Then you better learn to accept the consequences." I patted the side of his cheek.

I walked out of his room and made my way towards my room, it felt like time had slowed for me as I took each step. The mirrors along the walls shattered as I passed, the paintings on the walls turned into a melting mess and the nearby guards moved away in fear.

If Lorik wanted me to marry Cassius then I would certainly marry him, I'll marry him and take the throne as the next Queen. When the time comes for us to reign I will make sure to burn this kingdom to the ground, everyone wanted to be so afraid of me then I'll give them something to fear. They want to take everything from me just so their precious son will be protected, he'll be the first one I keep close when my time comes.

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