So I've been dared by Kaya-san to say 15 things about me and to show a picture of me... great!
1. I think tents are a lot better than hotels. (Idk why)
2. My favourite sport is football.
3. My first anime was InuYasha. (At the age of 6)
4. My favourite non-colour is black.
5. my favourite color is dark blue.
6. I LOVE anti-jokes.
7. I'm writing this at 5 in the morning.
8. I watch a lot of TV series but I don't finish them. (Weirdo)
9. I have two cats :3 but I want to get a dog when I get older, like 22 or something like that.
10. If I make plans or set an hour for a meeting I'll stick to them.
11. If I'm mad I go on 9GAG or Tumblr. (After 5 minutes everything's fine, at least for me)
12. I want to explore the world the most because why not.
13. I ran out of ideas.
14. If someone asks me a question about something obvious my answer will be indeed with sarcasm.
15. My all time favourite youtuber is Ryan Higa.
Alright... I think it's safe to say that Kaya-san isn't happy now *smiley face* because this wasn't supposed to be in english. Sorry not sorry. English 4 life! Peace! Here's a dog for y'all.
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