Scared of our 'satanic' music
Scared of what we wear, or do.
We have eyes, we can see that our music has hope and forgiveness to it
but all you hear is scream and lyrics and don't make sense
Trials has began, your trial
The trial of your rivals the rivals of our life
we live it we've done it
The trial will not stop until you understand why we are here
why we listen
why we care
though our minds may be screwed up to you
but we're fine
we're on
we're sober, clean, and new
we started anew
you cannot take that from us.
We're finally fighting whats in front of us
Fright is the night that dawns us all
Frightness is what makes us human.
I have nothing aganist your music, hell I may listen to it here and there
I'm not to do judge I'm not the one that says
"One Direction sucks."
I quite enjoy their music but not really bought any of their latest songs -
though that isn't the point
the point is we found our selves under the bellows of the hallow you shared
I found myself thanks to them
I found what is really fighting for.
Day 15 of 'Remembering Mitch'
3 hearts? for finding ourselves.
~ Remembering Mitch ~ Year 2013
PoetryAll through November I will post poems. 'Remembering Mitch' is based on his legacy. He is NOT dead. He is still very alive in our hearts and souls he will stay there. Remember him cause he sees you from above. Join me as I write his legacy -I post...