i was just a dare part 1

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My name Kaden I'm a girl and I was a dare and Trevor thought it wouldn't hurt me but it did and the thing is I thought everything was real and I thought he loved me we been dating for a hole 3 months we got close and I trusted him and he lied to me well in the stories people going to be calling me kd short for Kaden and my best friend name Camilla where the same age we in 11th grade we 16 and Trevor 17 he's in the 11the grade and my name jaden I'm Kaden lil sister where twins I'm dating a boy name Jacob Latimore he can sing he's not famous yet in till the middle plus Trevor Jackson is going to be famous to intill the middle and Kaden has a crazy ex rape her because she didn't want to fuck him his name Chris and Trevor going to fight him when he find out but let me get to the storie...

Kd- so I wake up and put my hair in a messy bun and pick out my closes and Jordan's
I lay my close on my bed and go in the bath room and taking off my close and I cut on the water and and I get in and start washing my body and and then I get out and dry off and and I go in my room and I put on my panties and my bra and and I put coco butter on my body and put on my close and I put on some socks and I put on my Jordan's and I grab my phone off the charger and my book bag and my car keys and I go down stairs and grab a apple and I go to my car and I see Trevor siting on the porch and if he's waiting for something we live right next to each other I still can't believe he had a party and cups ended up in are yard and all he could do was say sorry and I'm the one who had to pick up them I see him look up from his phone and look at me and I just act like I wasn't staring at him and I start walking to my car and I see him get up and start walk towards me

and I just stand there while he walks up to my car and me
Trevor-hey I. Was waiting for u to come out here so I can get a ride from you so can I get a ride to school..
Kd- umm sure what happens to ur car..
Trevor -umm when I had that party some one hit my car with a bat and broke all my windows ..
Kd-dang dude ..
Trevor - ummm yeah okay so can we go now or what ...
Kd-ooh yeah we can I unlock the door and I get in and I put my book bag in the back and I start my car and head to school I pull in my favorite spot and we get out the car and he walks over to his friends and I walk to my friend!
Camilla- what was he doing in your car k bear..
Kd- he's my next door neighbor so I was being nice and gave him a ride ...
Camilla- oh well he is fine tho ..
Kd-eww w.e cam
Camilla -w.e girl u have bad taste in dudes but not him he's sexy and he's the caption of the football team girl u better injoy that while u can..
Kd-girl he has a girlfriend..
Camilla- not real they keep breaking up and then getting back together together like wtf move on bitches...
Kd-hum girl u mean ..
Camilla- no I'm not i'm just telling the truth
Kd- yeah w.e lets go to class we walk to class its crazy because me and trevor has the same classes and i only have too with my bestfriend so thats fucked up so we walk down the hall and we split away and she go her class and i go to mine i walk in and sit at my desk and wait for everyone to come in.... Minute later everyone in the class and they just sitting down talking to each other and I'm just sitting there I can't believe people have so much to talk about it's like people have everything to talk about and I just don't get it okay the teacher walks in and give us book work ok I get my book and I get some paper out my book bag and I get a pencil to write with and I get started and I finish before everyone and I just sit there and wait after that trevor was done and I was just staring at my desk intill I saw a paper on my desk it says from trevor I look up at him he says open the note I open the note it says....
Note says
Hey will u go on a date with me I
Write back No and I pass the note to people to give to him and he looks at me and he start writing and the people pass the note too I open it it says
Okay we don't have to go on a date we can just chill at my house is that okay... I smile at him and shake my head yeah and he smile at me I write do u need a ride home and I give the not to people to pass to him...
I see him he nod his head yeah and I say okay and I just sit there and then the bell rang and I got up and put my paper on my teacher desk and I leave out the door and I feel someone behind me and I turn around a flip them on the ground and grab my there hand almost breaking it I look who I am hurting and it's trevor on the ground in pain I yell sorry I didn't mean to do that I help him up off the ground .......
Trevor-ouch what was that
Trevor well damn it it hurt
Kd-im so sorry u want you me take u to the nurse ...
Trevor -nahh I'm good can u help me to gym now ...
Kd-yeah no problem
Me and trevor walked to gym together as he whole on to my shoulder I felt sorry I might of broke his arm and yeah I should go on a date with him
Sense I almost killed him...
Kd- umm Trevor
Trevor-yeah kaden
Kd- I will go on a date with u sense I almost broke your arm..
Trevor- nahh we don't have to go on a date we can just chill at my house sense I'm hurting I just want to chill...
Kd- okay just sit hear I will tell the teacher your hurt...
Trevor-okay thanks
Kd- okay ...I walk away and go to my gym teacher and tell her what happen and I walk back to him and say she said u can stay sitting today
Trevor- oh okay
Kd- well I gtg and change into my gym close I walk way and I go in the girls locker room and change my pants into shorts and I take off my shirt and put on my sports bra and I put my closes in my locker I walk out there the locker room with my sports bra and my shorts on and we just play basketball for today so I get the ball from the coach and me and a few girls started playing ball so me and my team winning and at the corner of my eye I see trevor looking at me and start talking to people and I just finish the game and I just sit down and start texting people and I look up and I see trevor telling me to come to him I smile and Come to him and sit beside him and we just talk about are home work tonight and i guess are chill night we going to study too I'm actually starting to like him .....

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