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Do not be silent

Let your mouth declare that which the silent cannot speak

God be here.

Do not let the wicked prosper

Raise up arms of justice in their defense,

God be here.

Do not let the river of tears overflow

Raging from the constant storms,

God be here.

Their voices raise to heaven

In a chorous of broken, helpless pain,

God be here.

The night is cold and dark,

Shivering with ragged clothes they are,

God be here.

The orphan cries

For a father is not found,

God be here.

The widow cries

For the one who no longer breathes,

God be here.

The poor holds out a hand,

Yet empty for none will fill it,

God be here.

The refugee is hated,

Despised, rejected, racism is rampant,

God be here.

The night is cold and dark,

Hope has gone out,

God be here.

Let Your voice be heard,

If You must, speak through mine.

Let the weak find strength in You,

If You must, use my arms to support them.

Let there be tears of joy,

If You must, deliver joy through me.

Let the broken be fixed,

If You must, use these hands of mine to heal.

Let there be light,

If You must, let me be Your light,

Reside in my heart, let me be where it starts,

God be here.

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