Steve Rogers

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*{ Massage }*

(M/N) stepped out of the Avengers tower elevator and saw everyone relaxing on the living room couch.

" (M/N)!" Thor exclaimed making you jump slightly, " What brings you to our beloved home?"

" I think I've got it." Tony smirked. " He's here to see our Steve." He said making the blood rush to (M/N)'s cheeks.

Everyone knew (M/N) had a crush on Steve. Well everyone except the super solider himself.

" Can you just tell me where he is?" You said trying to ignore the playful stares everyone was giving you. " Sure, he's in his room." Bruce replied putting you out of your misery.

(M/N) nodded thankfully and exited the living room.

" Should we tell him?" Natasha questioned looking at everyone. " Nah he'll figure it out once he gets there." Clint replies making everyone laugh.


You quickly turn the door knob and step inside to see a half naked Steve stepping out of bathroom.

" (M/N)!" He screamed quickly covering himself up with a pillow. " Sorry!" You replied covering your eyes and stepping out while closing the door.

You uncovered your eyes and let out the breath you didn't know you were holding. The blush didn't leave your face as you re-imagined the scene.

His toned muscles glistened at the lights reflection and his black boxers hugged his lower area, too tightly for your liking. His blonde hair was in a messy quiff, and his blue eyes shined bright at the sight of you. He couldn't be sexier.

You cautiously knocked on the door and stepped in when you heard a ' Come in.' come from the other side. This time Steve had a white tank top, with blue jeans making you sigh in relief.

" Sorry about that, didn't know you were in the middle of a shower." You said taking a seat on his bed.

" It's okay, I didn't think you were gonna come." He said sitting next to you." So what are you doing here?" He asked with raised eyebrows.

" Oh I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out." The (H/C) replied. " I'm down with whatever."

" How about we go see a movie?" He suggested. " Sure, I heard there's a new one playing today." You replied standing up.

Steve stood up, but immediately sat down while holding onto the back of his shoulder, hissing in pain. " What's wrong?" You asked worry in your eyes.

" Ugh, my muscles are stiff after exercising all day." Steve replied " It's ok, I can handle it." He said standing up again.

" Oh, I don't think so." (M/N) said pushing Steve back on the bed. " You need to stay here and relax, the movies can wait."

" I swear, it's not as bad as you think." He said trying to stand up, but hissing again. " Ok maybe, I do need to relax."

" You know what you need?" You questioned with raised eyebrows. " A nice relaxing hot bath?" He asked unsure.

" Well I was gonna suggest a massage, but if you insist." You said walking out.

" No wait!" He exclaimed making you turn around quickly, " A massage sounds kind of nice." He said with a shy smile and what looked like blushing.

Your cheeks instantly turned red at the thought of massaging your best friend.

" O-ok, where do y-you keep t-the massage o-oils?" You asked making your way to the bathroom.

" At the bottom of the sink."

You bend over and opened the compartment and reached over the massage oils. You grabbed a white towel and threw it over your shoulder.

Stepping back into the room made you wish didn't have eyes.

Steve's shirt and jeans layed on the floor and his body was sprawled out over the mattress. Your breath hitched and all you could muster was,

" Oh sweet Jesus."

" What was that?" Steve smirked.

" Nothing!" You replied quickly, putting the towel around his lower region. (Trying not stare at his ass.) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

You poured a thick amount of oil on your hands, and began working the clear fluid all over the super soldier's back.

Immediately you could feel his tense muscles relax at your touch and even though you weren't an expert at this, you gave it your all.


After a couple of minutes of working the soldiers back, you were about to stop when you heard something come out of Steve's mouth.

" Oh, that feels so good." He moaned making you blush.

You and Steve quickly stood up and looked at each other in an awkward silence.

" Um, I think I should go..." You muttered slinging your backpack over your shoulder and making your way towards the door.

As you were about to step out, Steve's hand grabbed ahold of your wrist and pulled you into his broad chest.

" Don't go!" He exclaimed letting you go " Uh I what I meant, was sorry about that. I didn't mean to moan it was accident and I couldn't hold it, considering your hands felt like magic throughout my body. I couldn't help myself, I mean I like you very much and I-"

After he said you tuned out the rest of what he said.

' He likes me?!' You thought to yourself. ' No way.'

After focusing back on the real world Steve continued rambling about how sorry he was and you decided it was best to shut him up.

You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into a passionate kiss.

His breath hitched and all he could think was how nice your lips felt against his. Once he realized what was going on he immediately kissed back while wrapping his arms around the shorter males waist.

Your lips moved in sync and it felt as if they were puzzle pieces coming together.

After making out with him for a while you, pulled back and stared into his beautiful blue orbs.

" Now that's one way to shut me up." He said with a toothy grin.

" Well I had to stop your rambling one way." The (H/C) teased.

" I should probably change into some clothes, shouldn't I?" He gestured to his boxer briefs.

" Yeah, but after we can watch a movie and cuddle. Deal?"

" Deal." He said pecking you one last time and heading towards the bathroom.

" What a dork," You muttered to yourself. " *sigh* but he's my dork."

*{ The End }*

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