Dan Howell

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*{ Morning }*

You groaned in pain as you felt your face hit the wooden floor. You pouted in anger and looked up at your boyfriend, who was happily sleeping the night away.

Standing up you noticed his whole body was sprawled around the bed making him the key component of you falling into the floor. His snores sounded around the room, making you question your taste in men.

Sighing you tried to crawl back into the brunette's arms, but instead you groaned when he wouldn't budge. You then grabbed a pillow and a blanket, while making your way into the living room.

You dropped the pillow and stuffed your face into, while getting into a comfortable sleeping position. Sighing happily, your eyes began to close and sleep was about to consume you when suddenly a certain someone's phone went off.

You looked at the clock and noticed it was seven in the morning, making you grab the pillow and hit yourself in the face multiple times. A tired brunette then made his way out of your shared bedroom and he stared at you in confusion.

" Why are you hitting your face with my pillow?" He questioned making you throw the pillow at his face. " Ow! What was that for?!"

" That's for being a bed hog, you spork!" You said standing in front him, arms crossed. " Aww, I'm sorry." He said wrapping his arms around your waist and planting a kiss on your lips.

You sighed while wrapping your arms around his neck, kissing back. You pulled away, making him whimper.

" Morning!" A raven haired boy yelped eating a box of cereal . " Morning Phi-, wait. Is that my cereal?!" Dan screamed in anger.

" Oops! Gotta go!" Phil said running into his room, box of Shreddies in his right palm. " Come back here!"

" *sigh* They're both huge dorks." You thought going back to bed.

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