33- Trying to Tell

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Laine's POV

"Here, over here, I'm open." I hear Ryan yell at the over half of the court. All the other players are around the other players on our team.

This probably 200 pound, human giraffe in blue shorts and matching shirt with their school animal on it, is standing in front of me. He's waving his hands in the air, trying to intercept and take the ball from me, I don't let him. He is getting on my nerves and now, I have to beat him.

I ignore Ryan's request and duck under his arm. Running towards the net I look at the score board, 28-28, it's a tie and 10 seconds left. Closer and closer to the net. I'm almost there, 6 seconds. I'm in the other teams zone, 3 seconds. I have to take the shot. Everyone is following behind me and they are catching up.

I take my shot, just as I leave the floor the buzzer rings, this is it. This shot will make us win the game, this shot will make us win the likes of all the fans for winning the first game of the season.

I see the ball leave my fingertips and fly through the air, I hit the ground again and everyone on the court and in the crowd is watching that one basketball. It hits the rim and after wobbling for a few seconds and finally goes in!

My whole team cheers as the other team stomps off. My team surrounds me in a big group hug and the crowd cheers too. This is such an amazing experience for me, I have always wanted to make the winning shot.

"Good job, Laine."

"Nice shot."

That's all I hear as I walk into the change room to quickly shower and change into my other clothes.


As soon as I walk outside of the change room and into the hallway of my school, I see my mom there congratulating me on the win. I'm always the first one out so all the other player's parents are leaning agaist the wall.

"Where's Shelby?" I ask, looking around. She told me she was coming to this game so I thought she would be there when I walked out.

"I can't even see you for two seconds before you want to run off to someone else..." My mom fake cries, I roll my eyes and sigh as she goes on and on about how I want to leave her. She finally stops, "I'm kidding, I think she just went to the bathroom she said that we could leave and you two would just walk home so give me your stuff," My mom informs me as I pass over all my basketball stuff, "and I will see you at home." She says with a smile and walks out the door to her car.

I stand up against the wall of the hallway where my mom was and wait for Shelby. I see some of the people on my team trickle out of the room but not the majority.

I check my phone and I put it in my pocket, I stand up and start veering away from the wall. Just as I look the other direction I get a hug from behind, finally, it's Shelby!

I turn around and see her perfect, flawless body and I instantly pull her into a hug. I'm still hugging her as I pick her up and spin her around. She clutches on tighter.

"I'm so proud of you." Shelby says, her face inches from mine. I'm about to kiss her when someone interrupts us.

"Awe, you guys are so cute...NOT!" I hear someone on my team say. Of course Brodin would say that, he is always trying to find a way to bug me.

"Oh, go away. Don't you guys have girlfriends you can go to... oh right, you don't have any, whoops. Well, I have a date with mine, that's not imaginary, so bye." I say mocking them. That shut them up.

Shelby's POV

"I can't believe you said that. Aren't they your friends?" I said appalled.

"Yeah, they are. That's why I can do that to them." Laine replied back kissing me on my head.

I have to do it. I have to tell him now or else I never will.

I can't believe I'm doing this, I'm going to tell him that I might be moving and probably riun his whole day, or week. Oh no, here it goes.

"Laine I have to tell you someth-"

"Hey, Good job Laine!" Some guys in a jersey pats him on the back and continues walking across the parking lot to his car.

"Okay I really have to tell yo-"

"Nice shot, I can't believe that went in!" Another guy in the same jersey walks by us.

We walk out of the parking lot and I still try my hardest to tell him but it can't happen, we keep getting interrupted. By people walking by, by people skatboarding, by people on their bikes, even people in their cars roll down their window and yell to Laine.

Laine and I are a block away from home and finally there are no distractions.

"So what did you want to tell me?" Laine asks.

Well, now I have to. This is so hard.

"I might be moving."


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Love you all <3

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