Crazy Girl

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5 years ago
"Why won't anyone listen to him?" I shouted inside my head. My brother was talking, trying to make it all better, and I was to damn prideful to say go ahead. He gets everything he wants, he's deffinitly spoiled, but he's so young. I was crying and I had accidentally shown my face to my mother, Petunia. She gave me a look, the one that says, " Go take your pathetic depression to the dump, right where you belong." She thinks I hate her, and that one day I'm going to pummel her and my baby brother, Mason, while their sleeping... She isn't a bad mom, really. She's just been through a lot. You know those stories you hear about the Slaves, or like, Indians that had to wear leaves as clothing and scarves for blankets? Well, my mom has been through alot, abuse, rape, anger. I mean, her mom and sister left her, waving good-bye, at an orphanage. I haven't been through that, but this is my story, and I gotta say, it's pretty damn similiar.

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