Like What You See?

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You were stunned for a moment. Well. Yes. You did like what you saw but- to be called out on it? You were frozen. And not the movie either. Bringing a hand up, you coughed into it and looked away, choking on your words. This just earned a chuckle from your 'king'

"Cat got your tongue?"

Again, no response.

"Anyways, your food is ready." He might not be the best chef in the house, but he could sure as hell cook some good steaks but, that's not what he was making. What he'd made was just something really simple- a salad. It was simple to make and it was quick, it didn't take a lot of effort to make. Besides, after all the fast food you'd eaten, this was better than that.

Finally clearing your throat, you brought both hands up and rubbed your cheeks, turning your head away and staring at the ground. "Thanks..." Yes! Finally! You got a word out! It was still quiet and just one word- but- it was something-!

Hearing the vampire just chuckle, you looked back up to see the bowl set before you. It actually looked pretty good for a salad. Clearing your throat once more, you leaned back a bit, trying to play it cool and flirtatious. "I'll eat the salad, but I'd like to eat you too~"


Did that even sound right?

"We both know I would be the one to eat you here."

" might not be Aphrodite but would you like to get a Aphro-/Bite/- sometime?"

Too fast for your eyes to see, the vampire was behind you with his nose buried in your neck and your wrists held in his hands. "I wouldn't mind a bite now..." His tongue laced over your skin for a moment before he pulled away and just left you to eat your salad. If you couldn't tell, Alucard was tired. It was the middle of the day and he hadn't gotten proper sleep in a while.

With a dark blush covering your face, you just silently are away at the salad. It was pretty damn good.


You saw it.

Alucard had dozed off. He was so cute...

He was sitting up in a chair, his arms crossed and his head turned down slightest. His features looked so soft. So cute.

"Where's my phone..." Patting your sides, your breasts. It wasn't there.

A perfect opportunity wasted! This was just soo good.

*~Lil Time Skip~*

The salad as actually really good, and now here you were, cuddled up to the fierce vampire in his bed and just watching him sleep, curled up to him. It was comfortable, and not too hot. Just right.

It wasn't too long before you too drifted off to sleep. "So cute..."


. . . .

To be woken up by such a feel against was surprising and rather embarrassing. To feel pressure against you in your lower regions, it got you blushing like a motherfucker.



"...Do you have a problem?"

"A problem?"


"Why would I have a problem?"

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