Chapter Nine

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Time had passed since that little encounter you and Alucard had shared hidden in the darkness, and ever since then overcoming your sexual desires was harder than ever before. Normally, you would be able to masturbate and be done with it- no big deal, but now it was like he had done something to your body to make it want his touch and his touch alone- it was annoying, but you managed to take care of your own problems without having to ask for his help. How embarrassing that shit would be-

One thing was for sure, as time had gone by, you and Alucard had grown closer, even to the point of telling him about a forced sexual experience you had with a group of men from school- this, this didn't seem to set too well with him, and the first thing that came from his lips, was, "That means you can't be my undying Queen."

He had seemed so hurt by this- even if it hadn't been your fault, he still seemed so upset by the fact you were not a virgin and had failed to tell him of such details beforehand. Such memories were once you would have much preferred to not remember, but it was just one of those things that had come out- and now, he wouldn't let go of you.

Even when Integra had come down to talk with Alucard, he wouldn't dare let go of you. He held onto you like his life depended on it; it was a little annoying considering there were times he had almost gone into the bathroom with you when you had to pee.

As soon as Alucard had been called out for a mission, meaning he had to leave you, you were finally alone and out of his grip. It made you feel alone and cold- but you still had his jacket! Ha! Yes, you had managed to take his heavy coat without him giving much fight. The entire time while he had been gone, spare a few bathroom breaks due to a monthly annoyance called a menstrual cycle, you had spent your time sleeping in his bed with his coat being used as a blanket. It was big enough and warm enough, plus it had his scent and that overall brought a major comfort to you.

Despite your friends from back home basically blowing up your phone, the deep slumber you had been in, you hadn't heard a single thing.

With a deep sleep, can a dream, and with this one, you had found yourself in the middle of nowhere, no civilization in sight. The only thing you had were the clothes on your back. It was dark, possibly the middle of the night or maybe early morning, but the sun didn't seem to be rising. It was like time was stuck in place where it was.

After a bit of walking simply forward, you had come across a simple tombstone with your name on it, and a date that you couldn't make out for the life of you. There was no cause of death listed, and no 'last words'. It was just your full name with a date of death that your couldn't make out.

"What? But.. I'm not dead.. I'm still alive.."

The sound of the grass crunching beneath footsteps came from behind you, this caught your attention- and when your turned around to see who it was, it was as if the man you loved couldn't even see you. Alucard was muttering things beneath his breath, but none of it you could make out. This was all so confusing- you weren't dead! What was going on?

As time had finally started back up, the winds began to pick up. With this, and the rising sun, Alucard took his leave before a blinding light from what you could only assume was the sun along with an ear-piercing, high-pitched squeal woke you from the dream.

Waking up panting and in cold sweat, your eyes darted around the room before landing on a certain someone you recognized from your dream. Your racing heart felt as though it was about to burst- it might not have been the scariest dream you had ever had, but it sure as hell got your heart racing pretty badly.

The first thing you did before standing to go over to Alucard, was to feel yourself and pinch yourself to make sure that you were still alive and not dreaming. Those were weird- to have a dream inside of a dream then to wake up in confusing.

"Alucard? Are you okay?"

There was a moment of silence before Alucard responded with a simple hum and a slight nod. What else was he to say? Being asked if he was okay wasn't something he was really used to, honestly.

Now that you were sure you were no longer dreaming, you stood from the bed and pushed his coat to the side before making your way over to you blood-sucking lover. "What's wrong?" You questioned once close enough to look at his face.

"Nothing, (Y/N). I'm okay. The mission was a success, I'm just tired is all."

"Then go to sleep. Why didn't you go to sleep?"

"I didn't want to move you."


"I didn't want to wake you because of it."

"I was dead asleep, unless you slammed me into the wall, you couldn't have woken me up from just pushing me to the side. Besides, we could have cuddled then."

"Yes, well we can do that now," and with that, Alucard had his arms around your waist in the blink of an eye and dragging you back towards the bed. Not that you really minded- but there was one little factor that made you break away for a moment to take leave to the bathroom, that pesky period. Maybe that was what was wrong with Alucard? The smell of blood? Then again, who the hell gets hungry or whatever to the scent of period blood?

Ahhhhh, yes. Those unfertilized eggs and uterus lining to create those blood clots! That fishy smelling blood! Wonderful! Simply wonderful!

Seriously, who would want to even think of that? Nasty.

Within a few minutes, you had changed and washed up before heading back to find Alucard already asleep. How adorable.

"God damnit, you're so cute.. look at that baby face.. ahh, I wanna take a picture.. but.. you might wake up.."

Fuck it.

Removing you cellphone from the charger, you pulled up the camera and attempted to be sneaky with the picture- it would have been a success if the flash hadn't been on.

I response to the sudden, bright flash, Alucard pulled his lips down into a frown, those long, sharp canines of his poking out over his bottom lip. "What do you think you're doing? Come on, get to bed.. I'm tired.."

Just as you had stuffed the phone away into your bra, you had been met with a pair of crimson red eyes that seemed so full of rage- yet, they seemed so soft at the same time.

"Sorry," you muttered before climbing into bed with Alucard. He had fallen right to sleep- but there just wasn't something right about the atmosphere to the room. It felt like you were being watched..

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