GAMES (e&g)

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So Imma just tell y'all about some Dolan twin games I play with my friends over text when I'm bored. I just thought maybe some of you guys would like to play them to

Ship or dip :
You send a pic of a pretty girl to your friend. She says ship or dip. If she dips, she doesn't like her with e or g, if she ships she tells you with twin she ships the girl with. You take turns till your bored or run out of girls

Screenshots :
Take a bunch of screenshots from the twins videos and make imagines about them.

Screenshots :Take a bunch of screenshots from the twins videos and make imagines about them

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E or g :So pretty much it's a game I made up

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E or g :
So pretty much it's a game I made up. How it works is you look up something like romantic, cute couple, relationship goals, cute texts, lingerie, romantic bubble baths, cute couple quotes, hickies........ Anything like that. You can also put tumblr, Instagram, we heart it, Pinterest, or something like that after your search if you want to. You save a pic and send it, and the other one says if it reminds them of e or g. Kinda like ship or dip

Ni Hoa (hello in Mandarin Chinese😘)
Please tell me if you like any of these games and if you play them💕👏🏻😚 these games are just ones I made up on rainy days and I've never seen anyone else play them. If you've played these before please tell me 💋💋

Dolan Twin Imagines☀️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt