Potter manor

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They all fell bar the two wizards and Ziva to the ground as they landed in what looked like a large field.
'Dam Harry snap out of it' said Ron and when Harry didn't seem to register what he was say he signed and slapped his best mate in the face.
'Oww thanks Ron right. Welcome to Potter manor by the way where in Wales.' As Harry spoke a path appeared and he began to walk up it. Everyone was quite as they followed him and then where shocked as the Manor House came into view.
'Master Kreacher was not expecting you is you all right.' Asked the house elf as they entered the house.
'I'm ok Kreacher can you get us some tea and then go get Kingsley for me and then can you get Molly and who ever is at the burrow and leave a message there that all the family should come here please.' Harry asked the elf.
'Yes master' and with a loud crack he was gone.
'What was that?' Asked Gibbs as a tray of tea sandwiches and cakes appeared on the table.
'Kreacher my house elf basically he runs the place there are also pip, squick and winky though I'm not sure where...'
But Harry was cut of by four people calling him 'Harry' 'dad' 'uncle Harry' 'daddy' a second later three boys 10, 4 and 2.
'Hi boys why don't you go find winky and see if she will get you a snack.' Said Ginny and they hugged Harry then her and left the room.
'Hi love will you please help your brother explain what about Sirius I'm going to find pip and squick to get the house set up I've sent for the family so we are about to have to 18 guests here and maybe more I've sent for Kingsley.' Harry told his wife how muttered something like.
'just what I need' toughing her pregnant belly and sitting down so her husband could go and make preparations.
'Well any questions.' She asked the team just as the fire sprang up green and a tall dark wizard stepped out.
'Yeah who's he?' Said Tony.
'This is Kingsley Shacklbolt British minister for magic and a friend.'
Said Harry walking back in to the room and over to the older man hugging him.
'Gin the elves are getting 10 rooms ready do you think that will be enough? Kingsley are you staying for dinner so I can tell winky cos I won't get any of I annoy her again this week.' Harry said there was laughter as the fire came to life again and 16 people came through.
'Hello Harry it's good to see you Arthur will be here in a minute he just had to finish something at work.' Said Molly Weasley hugging her son-in-law.

Let us know what you think and if u think it should be Draco or someone else 😀😀

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