Chapter 4

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I have 11 chapters written so far. I will try and have one posted everyday. I just started school 2 days ago so I'm busy. I coach soccer few nights a week and we have games on the weekends. This weekend we have 3 games. Next weekend 2 games. The weekend after that is homecoming, then more games. The weekend after homecoming, I do Baby Think It Over. I'll be super busy but I'll try and update as much as I can!
Read and review!!

Since it was Saturday, Emily had the day off. She planned on going out with some friends and spending the night with her friend because after having a few drinks, she didn't want to come back to the family she was working for. She stayed in the dining room during the day to give the family time together. Jack ran in and climbed on her lap while she was writing a paper for class. "Hi, baby." She said kissing his head while he snuggled into her. "Where is Mommy and Daddy?" She asks him as she finishes her sentence and places her hand on his naked belly, because he was only in a pull-up. "Their room." He says simply and continues to watch her screen. Emily makes the screen smaller and pulls up another tab turning on Go Diego Go. While he watched one screen and she looked back to write her paper. Soon, she heard 2 sets of footsteps come down the stairs. She lifted her glasses up on to the top of her head when Haley came around the corner. "Jack and I are heading out. We are spending today and tomorrow at my parents up north. Aaron goes back to work Monday so you for sure have the weekend off." Emily hands over Jack and shuts her computer. "Okay. Have fun. I'll see you Monday, bud." She giggles as she tickles his tummy and he squirms in his mothers arms. "Bye, Em'ly. Wove you." She looks up from her bag and her heart melts. "Love you too, buddy." She whispers rubbing his arm and watched the 2 blondes walk away. Letting out a sigh she carried her things upstairs to her room. Walking into the room she was given, she spotted her ringing phone on the desk. "Hello?" She says into the speaker while putting her things away. "Hi, Em. I'm so sorry but I can't make it tonight. Something came up." Emily let out a groan and dropped down to her bed. They made new plans for 2 weeks later and she hung up dropping her phone to the bed. She sat up and tried to think of things to do that night to keep herself busy. She decided to take a nice needed nap before she went running. She brought Jack running nearly everyday, but it was easier to run alone than push a running stroller, and then she wouldn't need to make pit stops at the park and could go up the hill. She threw back the comforter and climbed in. Within minutes, she was out like a light.


After bidding a goodbye to his wife and son, Hotch checked the time. It was 4:27 so he decided to make some dinner for him and Emily, if she was staying in. After she went upstairs, he didn't hear another peep from the room. He decided to make something simple, a small salad and white sauce noddles. He turned on the news on the TV that was perched on the counter. He watched about the newest riots going on while boiling the noodles. He tossed the salad quickly and grabbed a bag of croutons and cheese. He stopped and looked up to see the live video of people shooting at police. "People are insane." He mumbles as he finishes putting all the food together. He puts the 2 bowls on the table and jogged up the stairs stopping in front of Emily's door. He rapped on the wood but nobody answered so he slowly opened the door. "Em-" He stopped when he saw she was sleeping. He halted his movements questioning if he should wake her or not. He stared at her for a moment thinking about the argument he and Haley had over dinner the day before. Haley said she thought Emily was pretty, and he agreed. Big mistake. Haley got defensive and then they fought because he thought she was irrational. Then, it went south and they argued about his job. He sat on the edge of her bed and gently shook her shoulder. She didn't budge so he shook her against one more time and she shot up out of breath. She looked around with wide eyes and her chest heaving. She stared at him terrified and tears in her eyes. "Hey hey hey, its just me." He says placing his hand on her shoulder. She started hyperventilating worse and tears streamed down her face. "It was just a dream." He tells her pulling her into a hug. She cried into his shoulder as she relived her nightmare. Soon, she pulled away and wiped her eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She was embarrassed she just broke down on her bosses shoulder. "It's fine. I made dinner. Let's go." He prompted her and got off her bed. She got off the bed and quickly ran her hands through her hair before following him down the stairs and to the kitchen. "Since you are always cooking for us, I took the liberty of cooking for you." He pulled out her chair and sat down across from her as he filled 2 plates with the pasta and 2 small bowls with the salad. She smiled gratefully at him taking the food as he pushed it across the table. "I think that is my job, Aaron. If I am cooking for Jack, why not just make food for everyone so you have a hot meal when you return for work and Haley can get things done." She shrugs taking a bite. She barely surpresses the moan rising in her throat. "This tastes wonderful. I declare you quit your job and become a chef." He holds back his laughter till after he finishes chewing the salad in his mouth. "My brother is a chef. He rarely comes down but when he does, he teaches me a thing or two." Aaron explains as he gets up and heads towards the fridge retrieving 2 beers then returns handing her an open one. She tosses a thanks before taking a swig of it. "Maybe I'll just have to run away and marry your brother." He stares at her as she laughs and shakes her head. She meant it as a joke, but Hotch didn't seem to think of it that way. For some reason, the idea angered him. A wave of protectiveness washed over him and he just stared at her. She awkwardly looked back down at her food and twirled the noodles. A few minutes past before he spoke up again. "Jack seems to really like you here." He simply states and it made Emily smile. "I like being here. Jack is a really good little boy." She tells him as she finishes her food leaning back and picking up her beer. "Can I ask a personal question?" She asks as she touches the bottle to her lips. He nods leaning back as well. "Do you and Haley always fight like that?" As it comes out of her mouth, she could see the shocked expression across her bosses face. He was shocked at her bluntness. "Uh, yeah. We seem to be fighting more these days." He tells the younger woman and downs the rest of his beer. "Want another?"

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