Chapter 22: Suicide

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Fuyuhikos sister looked guilty, and you were wondering why. Hey wha-
Get away from me!
I SAID GET AWAY. You were about to leave but Fuyuhiko walked in wondering what all the noise was. What's up? You hugged Fuyuhikos arm and nuzzled your head into his neck. You okay babe? You didn't respond but looked at Natsumi. What did you say?
LEAVE ME ALONE! Fuyuhiko told you to go wait in his bedroom and he will talk to his sister.

Natsumi what's wrong.
I betrayed you. She's going to die.
W-What? W-Who? W-Why?
Y/N is going to die. The g-government t-they forced me.
Natsumi... TELL ME NOW.
I t-told them where our private house is now... THEY SAID THEY WILL KILL YOU! Instead I heard them talking about killing Y/N.
N-No! I-I have to go now! Fuyuhiko ran to his room.... You weren't there. Y/N COME HERE NOW!

No response.


No response.

B-BABE! He burst out in tears of anger and sadness. He grabbed him gun and saw the black van driving off. He went to go say goodbye to his sister.

She was laying on the floor. Natsumi? No response. Fuyuhiko turned her over. She shot herself in the heart.

He ran. Kept running. Where was he going...?

Somewhere far away. His girlfriend was probably dead and her sister suicided.

•Weeks later.

Fuyuhiko broke into the government into the most secured cell, to find you. Tears streamed down his face when he saw you. He held you close.

Closer than ever.

He held you.

Tighter than ever.

AHH?! It was a dream.

The truth is he never found you, until a year later he got a letter. Y/N is dead. You are next. Fuyuhiko ripped the paper up. Called his gang. Shot himself.

And that is how you and Fuyuhiko came to an end.

Wherever you were, you were in peace with Fuyuhiko. At least you weren't running. You weren't tortured emotionally.


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