Sephy's Christmas

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On the first day of Christmas my stalker gave to me, my garbage in a teddy bear tree.
"What's wrong Sephy?"  Zack yawned as he drudged out of his room.
"What the hell is this Zackary!?"
Zack walked over and saw a large stuffed bear sitting in the living room with items pinned to it and a blue and silver sparkled ribbon on the top with Sephiroth's name attached.  "What the hell?" He asked.
"Like hell you don't know!  Why the hell would you put everything I threw out last week on a stuffed bear!?" Sephiroth asked seething.
"It wasn't me.  Seriously Seph, I wouldn't do something this creepy...  Are you sure you don't have a secret admirer or something?"
"Sephy~~~~?  Why are you yelling this early in the morning?"  Genesis asked stumbling out of his room, in his pajamas with loveless in his arms.
"Do you sleep with that or something?" Zack laughed.
"I can't sleep without it..." He pouted, and then shot back. "It's not any different than your stuffed Care Bear!!"
"It's not a Care Bear!  It's a blue bear Aerith gave me!"
"Of course it is." Genesis said sarcastically.
"I'm serious!"
"Shut up!  What the hell is this!?  All of my garbage is in a bear tree!"
"It was Zack." Genesis said walking back to his room.
"No it's not!  It was probably you!"
"What in Gaia's name is going on?" Angeal asked. "Screaming so early in the morning..."
"Zack or Genesis, put my garbage, I threw out last week in a bear tree!"
"Alright." Angeal said crossing his arms over his chest "Who was it?"
"It wasn't me." Zack said.
"Yes it was!  Cause it definitely wasn't me!" Genesis said walking back to the living room.
"Do you two need a lesson in honor and dreams?" Angeal asked.
"Geal, it wasn't me." Zack said.
"Oh stuff it Zack, it obviously---What's that?"
"Huh?" They asked in unison.
"The air vent behind the plant." he said walking over to inspect it. The air vent behind the plant had its cover slightly askew, with 3 screws on the ground.  "Someone broke in!?"

On the second day of Christmas my stalker gave to me, two purple gloves, and my garbage in a teddy bear tree

"What the hell?" On their kitchen table lay 2 purple gloves tied in a red and silver sparkled ribbon with Sephiroth's name on them.
"What Seph?" Angeal asked.  Then looked at the gloves. "Two purple gloves?"
"Didn't we fix the vent yesterday?" They went over to check and it looked exactly as they found it yesterday. "Damn it, I'm gonna weld that thing!"

On the third day of Christmas my stalker gave to me, three cinched bins, two purple gloves, and my garbage in a teddy bear tree.

"This is getting ridiculous." Sephiroth said.
"Seriously there's 3 barrels of love letters addressed to you!"  Three bins the size of kitchen trash cans were tied together with a purple ribbon with Sephiroth's name on it, all filled with love letters. "Do you think they're all by the same person?" Zack asked.
"Where are my love letters!?" Genesis whined.
"You can have them...  How the hell did they get in?  I welded the air vent shut!" Sephiroth looked at the vent, sure enough, it was welded shut. "How the hell?  Everyone, look for another way in!"

On the fourth day of Christmas my stalker gave to me, four calling Thirds, three cinched bins, two purple gloves, and my garbage in a teddy bear tree.

"Hello?" Sephiroth asked answering the phone.  All he heard was breathing on the other end of the line.  "What the hell are you calling for!?  I've had enough of this---- They hung up.
"What was that?" Angeal asked.
"Another Third called me."
"That's the fourth one today.  What did they say?"
"Nothing, all I heard was breathing each time."
"Angeal!" Zack said coming in.  "Four Thirds got their phones stolen last night.  That's odd isn't it?  They had them in their lockers and when they came back the lockers were busted open and their phones were gone."  Sephiroth went a little stiff and walked off. What's up with him?"
"He was just called by four thirds, and only heard breathing each time."
"That's creepy..."

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