Part 1

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"Will you go out w/ me" i said

"Yeah right. You can barly talk to him with out turning completely red in the face" Liberty said

"I can to talk to him i just choose to turn red in the face" I said

"Yeah ok that is like me saying oh yeah i can have sick just like guys i just choose not to" she said

"Shut up i just have to get him alone like you did w\ my big brother"

"Actually heaskedmeineveraskedhim" she quickly said

"Wait what"

"He asked me i never asked him"

"My big shy bro"

"Can we drop it we need to go if we are going to get to school before it starts"
*flashback ends*

Kim Myhon P.O.V.

We areived at school and see V,Yonngi,and Rap Monster standing at the gate talking.

"Hey babe" V said

"Hey hunny" liberty said to my brother as she went to kiss V while rap mon acted like he was about to puke.

"Rap Monster stop acting like you are going to puke or i will get suga to slap the shit out of you"

"Rap Mon we are all going to have girlfriends of our own and we will all kiss and hug and more w/ our girlfriends so shut up."

"Suga can i talk to you in privite please"

"Yeah sure"

What the hell am i going to say
Just say it like in the mirror

"So what did you want to talk about" yonngi said making come back reality


"Woah slow down"

"Will you go out w/ me"


"So im going take thatas a no. Its ok im sorry if i made you feel uncomfortable" i bowed and was about to leave when he grabbed my elbow and pulled me back to face him.

"It's not that I don't want to go out w/ you it's just that it took me by surprise. I think that I need to think about it. I will let you know in 5th ok."


I bowed and left and faced Liberty and everyone else
and smiled slightly at how the where all laughing. And then I turned around and started walking to my gym class. When all of a sudden I here liberty calling my name buy I just kept walking.

*time skip provided by 3 dalla chains
*5th period*
Min yonngi P. O. V.
I have liked her ever since i met her, and now i know that she likes me back.
I walk into class and she is sitting in her desk listening to music. I walk up to her desk and as i got closer i heard that she was listening to Rap God by Eminem. She looked up and saw that i was walking towards her and takes out her headphones.

"Hey yonngi"

"Hey baby girl" i regreted that as soon as i said that."im sorry"

"Its fine i will take that as a yes then?"

"Yes i have liked you since i met you but i was sacred that if I asked you out you would reject me because I thought you liked someone else."

"same he-"she got cut off by the teacher Mrs.Kim.

"Good afternoon students"

"Morning Mrs.Kim"

Kim Myhon P.O.V

Halfway through the lesson I felt a tap on my shoulder so I turned around to see Pip handing me a note.

Uuhh I hate when people pay for big and expensive stuff and won't let me pay them back. When people do that I feel like I owe them something or that I am in there debt and it makes me feel bad for taking there money. Maybe Yonngi is different.

*time skip provided by Yonngi's new mix tape*
*after class*

"Wwwooooohhh its finnaly the weekend" Pip screams as she runs out of the classroom.

Yonngi comes over to me after class as i put in my other earbud. He takes it out and puts into his ear. I was listening to Agust D. He started to rap along w/ himself. I looked at him a little embarrassed bc my boyfriend caught me listening to his mix tape as loud as other would go. We walked out of the classroom listening to Exo Wolf. He wasn't singing along anymore. We started walking to the gates where my brother was standing as usual and his hand skimmed mine. I looked up at him and he was blushing so I grabbed him hand and his blush darkened.

" You look so cute when you blush. " you said while pinching his cheeks.

" Stop I don't like it when people pinch my cheeks. " He said pouting.
" im sorry i just thought that you where to cute to resist. Okay so about that note I always thought that you were the strong mean type so I was really surprised by the hearts on the front."

" well I may look mean and all and don't get me wrong I still am but I have 3 sides one towards the ones I'm in love with, when I am around those who are my friend, and those I dislike. " He said seriously.

"oh well I guess I'm one of the frin--" i was cut off by yonngi kissing me which took me by surprise but i just stayed like that for a moment and he pulled away I was about to ask why but then I saw that my brother was about to come around the corner. We separated and behind V was Liberty he walked over to yonngi and liberty walked over to me.

"Hey" Liberty said.

"Hey do you have anything planned for this weekend?"

"Is that even a question you asked? I'm a fucking loner." she said jokingly.

"Right so I need to tell you something when we get to my house."

"oohhh who is it?"

"I will tell you when we get home."

She walked over to V and said "We will be right back ok"

"ok why do girls go to the bathroom in groups and pairs.  It just seems like it would be crowded. "

" i don't know"

" So are you doing anything this weekend? "

" nope. "

" you want to come over this weekend? " 

Min Yonngi (suga) x readerWhere stories live. Discover now