Keira and the Pool

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[Don't try to figure me out, I'm a special type of twisted]

The sun shined and the wind blew through the open window filling my room with fresh air. I wasn't much of a morning person but todays plan definitely made me excited. I went into the bathroom to wash myself before the five-hour plane ride. Taking my time thinking of what I want to wear or should I do my hair up really pretty.

It's been a while since I had the need to impress someone because nobody comes by anymore and going to the park to play ball wasn't exactly a place to dress to impress.

Getting out of the shower I decided from the few unpacked unclothes I had left out. I wanted to look presentable but nothing over the top. Taking a white t-shirt, I paired it up with my black ripped jeans, mother didn't like and that's why they were my favorite, other than the fact their black.

If it weren't for my mother sneaking in clothes into my closet, which she thinks I don't realize when I do, it would only consist of black, white and gray.

Adding my old trusty leather jacket over the shirt, the clothing part of my outfit was done. Now I just have to add accessories, that was the hard part in my opinion. I tend to over think the accessories. I went to my display cases that held the diamond necklaces to gold rings.

I took two Gucci rings, one fully gold and the other one black with little gold details. On my wrist I put on a black and gold watch. I put on rose blood earing that matched the red shade of lipstick on my lips. I didn't try anything dramatic on my eyes, kept it simple.

"Keira, hurry up. You need to be there by five so aunt Sophia can pick you up." That's all my mother said.

I pushed my feet into some platform peep-toe heels before throwing my phone, laptop, chargers, headphone and sunglasses into my black purse. Running downstairs to the front, the car was waiting beside my parents who were talking in the hushed voices.

When they heard my heels the instantly stopped talking and looked back. "Keira you have to be more punctual, it isn't lady like to arrive twenty minutes late. We didn't teach you that." They're right that didn't teach me that. My parents taught me nothing, always made take classes to turn me into a lady.

I hung my down, didn't bother to say good bye and just got in the car. It didn't take long before we got to the private jet. "Hello miss blood, your parents told me to inform you that your motorcycle has already been secured in the jet and all your other boxes." The flight host welcomed me into the airplane.

"Thank you so much, will it be possible to take it out as soon as we land?" I liked aunt Sophia but I'm not the best being social person and I don't even know how to even start conversation.

"Of course." The smile on her face started to creep me out so I have her nod and went inside. I took a seat with table in front. There was nothing cozy about this private jet, just professional but I liked. Setting up my laptop, phone and chargers up as I relaxed into the seat.

"Hello Miss Blood, this is captain Johnson speaking we are boardi..." I stopped listening after his introduction. I've heard these announcement growing up when I was forced to go with my parents on business trips. Half an hour into the flight I started dozing off. I didn't fight the sleep; I could use a little nap.

- - -

"Miss Blood, Miss Blood, Miss blood it's time to wake up. We're about to land in twenty minutes" I heard the flight attendant shaking me awake. Looking around confused but then remember me dozing. "Thank you, I'm just going to freshen up really quick." My legs were a bit wobbly but I pushed through. I made my way into the bathroom checking the mirror for any makeup smudges or even drool.

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