Keira and the Zoo

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[Y'all went to high school, I went to school high]

Do you know what the worst thing is?

Not getting enough credit for doing something that you worked really hard for.

But lucky for me it didn't take much money to convince the zoo workers to let me borrow the animals. Money talks when words stop making sense.

It's only been a month since back to school and it has been really quiet lately so I took it as my responsibility to fix that but the school principle wasn't very appreciative. How could you not love being greeted by a llama on your way to the office?!

I've been at this school for about eight months from last year to this month and its getting really boring.

Wake up, go to class, terrorize freshmen, prank the teachers that failed me, go home, sleep and repeat.

It was fun while it lasted but it was the same reaction and I wanted something new so I did my share of investigating in schools. The school I set my eyes on was a very prestigious school for the wealthy and if I am correct, a school filled with sissies.

They had top facilities from all the picture on their school website. I may have also went on Instagram looking through the school tags to see if I could find some dirt but surprise, surprise it was your very basic classroom duck face selfies.

My plan was to get expelled. I had to make my mark in this school, something the student here could remember me by.

The best prank I could think of that wouldn't do much damage was bringing the zoo to the school. I had gathered the couple friends I had made which consisted of only guys cause the girls were too scared to approach me and made my mark.

The football field held a dozen cows and antelopes running wild. Giant pandas sprawled out in the hallways and the best one in my opinion? Llamas. I had gotten the llamas into the principal's office but wait theirs more... the llamas may have given Mr. Jackson, my principle, a very smelly present.

Here I am waiting in the school parking lot for my parents to pick me up from my ex-school. My mom will be pissed as hell and my dad will definitely freeze all my cards but that's not something new.

You know what would be new?

If they had cared for me and not just their stupid little reputation that I was tarnishing.

I saw the all-white limo rolling into the school parking lot. Of course they would make a dramatic entrance, they just couldn't bring a fricken normal family car but I guess I was being a hypocrite. I was known to being dramatic and that doesn't mix well with trouble marker side of me.

The limo pulled up in front of me but I made no move to get in. I saw the driver opening the door but still made no move. "Keira get in before you make your mother anymore madder." My father said.

That's all. Don't get mother any madder. This ruined my whole mood. I know I'm a hardcore bitch and prankster but I still felt.

I felt mad that they didn't even want to be seen in a public high school or they aren't dragging me by my ear into the car. They only cared for their reputation.

My fists were at my side and I was biting my tongue so I wouldn't blurt out something I would regret. I could feel the metal taste of my blood, and myself control wouldn't be lasting any long. "I'm going to take my bike home. Don't wait up." I got out of there as fast as I could.

Climbing on my bike, I raced out of their so my parents couldn't follow me. I made sure to turn off my phone so I wouldn't have phone constantly ringing.

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