A safe place

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(Carrie's POV)

Through out the night the animatronics worked to make me feel welcome. Toy Chica and I managed to become friends and Toy Bonnie showed me how to play his guitar which was apparently a real guitar not just a prop.

Marionette stayed with me the whole time. He wouldn't let me go anywhere without him. Toy Chica dragged me into the kitchen. "Carrie come make pizza's with me and Chica!"She said excitedly. I smiled and followed. My throat was hoarse. I hadn't talked this much since Mary... I pushed the thought out of my mind.

Toy Chica and Chica began showing me how to make the pizzas. "I'm surprised Marionette is still out of his box." Chica said looking out the kitchen window and the main dining area. "Does he normally stay out?" I asked. My voice soft and slightly raspy. Again my throat wasn't used to talking this much. "No. After he kills the night guard he usually stays in his box." Toy Chica said rolling out some pizza dough. "Sometimes he will pop his head out to talk to us but other than that he prefers to stay in his box." "He says it's safe place." Chica said. I looked out the window at the Marionette. He was having a conversation with Freddy. I suddenly heard childish laughter. I looked at the Chicas. They were talking about which pizza toppings they should use. The childish laughter continued. Where is that coming from? I thought. Nightmare was silent. 

Toy Chica open up the oven with a loud creak. The sound snapped me back to reality. "The pizza will be done soon."Toy Chica said. "You can go play if you want Carrie." I nodded and left the kitchen. I sat next to Marionette and pulled out my phone. He and Freddy were still talking and I didn't want to interrupt them. Had it been anyone else I would've but Marionette was my friend and I didn't want to upset him.

I felt a strong pair of arms lift me up. Marionette was holding me again. "Do you like it here?" He asked. I nodded "I feel happy here." I said. The small sentence made my throat sting. "Is your throat hurting?" He asked me. I simply nodded not wanting to say anything. Marionette placed his hand on my throat. A sense of relief washed over me. My throat still hurt but not as bad. Toy Chica stepped out of the kitchen with two pizza's in her hands. "Pizza!" She shouted her voice an even higher pitch than normal. The sound was deafening and made me cover my ears. Toy Bonnie sat down at one of the tables. "Do you have to scream that loud?" He asked. "Well how else is anyone supposed to hear me?" Toy Chica asked placing the pizzas on the table. Chica walked out carefully balancing two more pizzas on her arms. "Do you need help Chica?" I asked. "Nope I got it." Chica said. She made it over to the table and placed the pizzas down. "Do you guys even need to eat?" I asked. Freddy nodded. "Technically we don't have to but we like to." "I tastes good." Bonnie said. "How can ye even eat without a face?" Foxy asked. Bonnie shrugged and grabbed a slice of pizza. Marionette reached over and grabbed a slice for me. He hadn't put me down. I took a small bite of the pizza.

Mangle dangled above me. "Is it good Carrie?" She asked me. I nodded and took another small bite. "Do you guys only eat pizza?" "I's the only stuff we can make." Toy Chica said munching on her piece of pizza. "You know it only takes a little bit of alteration and you can make pizza rolls." I said softly. "What are pizza rolls?" Chica asked me. "It's like a pizza but the sauce meat and cheese is inside the crust. They're smaller than a normal pizza." Toy Chica and Chica looked at each other. "Can you show us?" they asked in unison. "Sure." I said.

Everyone finished there pizza. Marionette finally put me down and I helped the Chica's clean up.  "You have a pretty good system." I said. "Only if we can kill the night guard." Chica said. "That guys wasn't even him." Toy Chica said furiously. "The night guard was sick and called in a favor." "That sucks!" Chica said loudly. "It's almost six Chica." Toy Chica said. "You should probably start heading back to the parts and service room." "Yeah."Chica said sadly. "Bye Carrie see you tomorrow night." The Chicas left the kitchen. I found Marionette over by the prize counter. "What happens at six?" I asked. "Six is when the night shift ends." He said picking me up and stroking my head. "It's when we need to be back at our designated places." I notice Mangle swing over me. She lowered herself down onto the floor and was still.

Marionette carried me to his box. "Do you guys sleep during the day?" I asked "Sort of." He said climbing into his box. "It's almost like... During the day we are puppets." I tilted my head like a curious puppy. "We have no control of our actions. We see what's happening but we have no control." "You have control of your actions." I said as he pulled the lid of the box closed. I turned on my flashlight. "Yes because I am not programmed to be active all the time." He said. "I only have to pop out when the music box is off." I nodded. I heard the soft melody of the music start. Marionette leaned up against the side of the box. I soon felt his arms go limp around me. The soft music from the music box slowly lured me to sleep. I yawned and turned off my flashlight. I then fell into restless sleep.

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