Pain and pleasure.

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Let's start off with some people you haven't heard from shall we...
( an hour before the marathon begins )

The love I have for horror movies is UNREAL. The blood that looks so tasty, the guts, the screams, watching the people run and thinking they can escape the clutches of  Jason Voorhees,
Leather Face, Micheal Myers, and all the fictional killers. The real creatures that kill are never even suspected, living happy  fake, mundane lives but really I have no problems actually I'm happy.
"Ryan"  I whine bored out of my fucking mind . I wonder what Maddie is up to, I wonder if i should ask him more about Maddie and what types power she has " yeah? And don't ask me anything about Maddie "  how the fuck does he do that? "Can you pass me that blanket and my rockstar? and fine I won't ask shithead"  he laughs and throws me my blanket. 

  Finally after hours of shopping and getting starbucks with a decent amount of blood in them ( delicious asf!!) we get to go to our suites  and relax. I go up to open the door  with all the bags around  my wrists when it flies open and  I see Chris smiling and jumping up and down shirtless " Are you happy to see me or do you always open the door like this?" He laughs and takes my things inside "so Josh wanted t-hey balz! Where did you come from ?" So Chris must have said he could come. This could be interesting to observe.

It's been almost 12 hours since I seen Maddie  I can't wait to see her tonight to watch horrible movie and cuddle; just the thought of her cute self in my arms  makes me feel like my chances at life are better,like  I could be with her now, settle down and start a family.  

*Knock knock*

Could that be her??? I run to the door and get ready to hung the life out of her "I've been waiting for yo-" to my surprise I see balz and not Maddie.

"Oh hey balz what's up?" He pushes past me  and looks around, sets his stuff down and suts down "oh Maddie didn't tell you? She invited me to watch the marathon with you guys tonight" what ? Why wouldn't she tell me ? Or at least let me know. "Okay then, that sounds cool let, make yourself at home; all we are doing now is waiting on Maddie's cute self." Josh seemed a smidge agitated as I said that, oh well.  " Yeah she said it was alright and  so I brought this"  he reaches down and grabs his bag and dumps the contents on my bed. Food for maddison  blood, boxers, toothbrush, socks, condoms, so- condoms?!?  Why the hell does he have condoms ?? He isn't using them on Maddie I know that much

" Condoms?? I'm glad you got them, that would be one ugly baby balz" "excuse me babies come out bald, second it would be cute asf, unlike your giant Sasquatch turd baby" we both fall on the floor laughing "nah man I ain't got no woman; not yet anyway so that means no woman no babies"
They both laugh " so we haven't really talked in a while how is everything with you?" He laid back with his hands on his head "actually really great, I'm thinking about maybe buying a house when we get home, maybe getting a dog or two, it all depends on this girl I meet not to long ago. She is perfect man, tatted, long silver Hair, curves from hell and back the sweetest personality, I think I love her." Wow looks like we are going to be building on to the motionless family. Life is good.

(After Maddie gets back to the room)

*Maddie's POV* 

I'd love to stick around and talk but I've had 3 Starbucks blood and strawberry smoothies and i gotta piss" I run to the bathroom quickly but not before I use my special skill of tripping over shit and fall over a suitcase and hit my face on the wall, and falling . It must have been a pretty Loud thud because they both came running to my aid. " Maddie are you okay" "mads wtf happened to your face and hair??" My hair? Oh yeah I forgot to explain. " I'm fine but I was running to go piss an I tripped over my suitcase" I feel blood dripping down my cheek and neck, as I look up at both of them; their eyes turn black as nite; skin paler than snow "guys what's going on?" Their fangs come out, they're going into attack mode. Shit! I quickly wipe the blood off and run to lock myself in the bathroom.

Shit fuck what do I do?! I remember dad saying something about vampire hunger able to last for more than a few hours if they haven't gotten the blood they need. What do I do! What do I do!  Think, I shut my eyes and concentrate; maybe this is the time to see if my siren side is worth anything. Ok sirens do what? sit on rocks and attracts sailors? That's it!


forgive me father, for I have 

"Maddie are you okay?" Ricky?
( dreaming )

    " I can't believe this is your photography baby, it's unbelievable an so beautiful!" " you are too sweet love, I mean you've seen the majority of my stuff and haven't said one negative thing about any of it.She smiles and it's like the earth stops turning. I can't think of a time where she has come to me and not spread her positivity And beautiful outlook on anything that comes up. " Baby I got the mail" she yells and I come running She's starts looking threw our bills "No ma'am.The doctor said stress and bills bring nothing but stress. That's not good for the babies"Ilook down at her big pregnant belly " I guess you're right love, I can't wait to meet them Ricky!!" She smiles "baby can you hand me that coke please?"  As I turn and grab her coke I fall to my knees from my  shrieking wife.

I shoot straight up out of my bed and call Maddie.

Come on Madison pick up

"Ricky?! How did you know I was in trouble"
"I had a dream, you appeared and were doing a siren call what's wrong?"
"I cut my face, so Balz and Chris came to close and they were trying to bite me they have calmed down but I don't wanna stay here tonight."
"You definitely aren't staying there tonight you'll be with your dad an I . I'm coming to get you; tuck your head between your knees and brace yourself okay? Don't worry about clothes I'll let you borrow some of mine till morning. I'll be there in less than a second "

"Okay be-"

I blink and I'm already in Ricky's bed in his  baggy T-shirt  with his arms around me falling fast asleep with dad in the other bed already asleep "thank you Ricky, I'll repay you as soon as I can, anyway I can" I look up at him and he looks down at me  "ok, go out with me Saturday after we get home." I smile and nod " okay Ricky that sounds like a date"  Ricky smiles and comes closer "as for in this moment all I could ask you for is a kiss goodnight" I giggle and caress his cheek with my  hand and give him a sweet and short kiss "perfect " he whispers in my ear and we both fall asleep.

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