Cringey Old Art

35 6 7

Are you ready?
Have some bleach nearby bc even I hate them now lol

Are you ready?Have some bleach nearby bc even I hate them now lol

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It's coming apart now XD

Ew SAOIt's one of the only good drawings in there tbh

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It's one of the only good drawings in there tbh

Quote: "I wish there were no rules to live by; instead I am trapped" -Kagamine Len, Paradichlorobenzene

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Quote: "I wish there were no rules to live by; instead I am trapped" -Kagamine Len, Paradichlorobenzene

Quote: "I wish there were no rules to live by; instead I am trapped" -Kagamine Len, Paradichlorobenzene

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Quote: "That who granted my wishes is no longer here. When I realized all my mistakes, it was too late" - Kagamine Rin, Regret Message

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