Anime Drawing Class #2

30 6 14

It's that time
Of the week
Where I post shit
All the pics are horrible rip

It's that timeOf the weekWhere I post shitYayAll the pics are horrible rip

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His hair 👌

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His hair 👌

I finished Ruby Foxy_Ruby Also someone asked what anime she was from

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I finished Ruby Foxy_Ruby
Also someone asked what anime she was from. My school is infested by uncultured swines.

Star with her hair down and shorts Sans style

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Star with her hair down and shorts Sans style.
Oh shit it's too blurry rip

Oh shit it's too blurry rip

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More Star

I don't understand why I drew her in a Colorful X Melody style dress

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I don't understand why I drew her in a Colorful X Melody style dress...?
But I won't

I actually drew this one for DjRoseXx

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I actually drew this one for DjRoseXx . Rei is saying "Why am I getting hate...?" Because I couldn't draw him completely rip

?" Because I couldn't draw him completely rip

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Crappy Lenka in Suki Kirai attire. I nicknamed her Suki-chan as a joke

I meant to finish this for Miku's birthday but failed to do soI doubt it's even visibleI'll finish it I promise though

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I meant to finish this for Miku's birthday but failed to do so
I doubt it's even visible
I'll finish it I promise though

So that was this week's spam

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