Chapter 12

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Well well well. Look at this interesting picture." Jeremiah's voice yells out before us. Isaac growls loudly and holds me protectively towards his chest.

"Don't even think about fucking touching her." Isaac snaps at him and I gasp as he moves us to the farthest corner of the cell.

"You don't know what you're doing boy. You've got a monster in your arms." He says and I look over his shoulder and see a bandage on his neck and I laugh at him.

"You're gonna fucking pay for what you did to me." I yell and he shakes his head. His brothers grab two of the guns I recognize as the ones that held the tranquilizers. Fear takes over me as I worry about what they'll do if they sedate Isaac.

Jeremiah grabs the remote to the collar and begins opening the cell right as he presses down on it. I smirk at him when Isaac moves to the side and his eyes widen when he sees the collar is no longer there. I hiss and use my speed to grab the collar off the floor and leave my cell and before the brothers can even aim I grab a scalpel off the medical table and slit both their throats and let them fall to the floor.

"You fucking bitch!" Jeremiah yells and I smile as Isaac comes up behind him and wraps his hand around his neck shoving him roughly against the wall. He starts extending the claws on his other hand and I know he's ready to slash his throat but that's not what i want.

"Wait!" I yell and he stops completely. They both look at me confused until I walk over and lock the collar onto Jeremiah's neck. Isaac lets him go and we both glare at him, I pick the remote off the ground where he dropped it after seeing his brothers die and hold it tight in my hand.

"I've still beaten you.  You can't reverse what's been done. Not without me." He laughs and Isaac growls at him.

"That won't stop me from making you pay for what you've done. And do you honestly believe your pathetic little experiment would work. I feel my power returning more and more every minute." I smile at him and press down on the remote hard causing it to break in my hand but still making the collar work. Jeremiah screams as he crumbles to his knees in front of me and I smile at the pain he's in. He goes to reach for me when Isaac grabs him by his shirt and shows amazing strength as he throws him back into the cell we were just in and shuts the gate.

"Come on." He says and picks me up to carry me over the bodies and pools of blood forming on the ground.

"I'll find you!!" Are the last words I hear Jeremiah say.

I take a deep breath rubbing my cheek against Isaac's chest,feeling free and the moment he steps outside I feel the moonlight washing over me and powering me up again just as it has for centuries.

"Why haven't you put me down yet?" I ask as Isaac walks calmly through the forest. He has his arm underneath my knees and the other holding tightly on my arm to press me against him. I tug at the shirt I'm wearing of his and notice just how big the fabric is.

"I can't have you running away from me." He says and I roll my eyes.

"You've marked me as yours wolf. Even if I did run away I'd have nowhere to go. Like you said. I'm yours. Let's just see what Desi has to say about that" I say thinking about the plans we had to meet up. He growls at me when I say his name.

"Do you even know where we are?" I ask looking around and seeing nothing but pine trees.

"We're near my pack. I can smell them." He says and I cross my arms across my stomach when it growls loudly.

He looks at me curiously,"Are you sure you don't want my blood?" He asks and I shake my head.

"My stomach hasn't growled in 400 years. I don't need blood anymore." I say and I feel pathetic. My whole world revolved around blood. I was cold. I was heartless. It gave me life even if it was for a few moments.

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