Chapter 9

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They woke us up early by dragging a large metal pipe against the bars of our cells and flickering the lights on and off. I growl lowly and look over at Ada who remains silent as Jeremiah stares at her waiting for a reaction with the remote to her collar in his hand. I smell the air and for the first time I pick up a scent coming from her, I look at the skin around her collar and notice just how raw and bloody it looks. I cringe in disgust and look away and Jeremiah notices and walks over outside my cell.

"Got something to say pup?" He smirks lifting his chin high as if he's so much better than me. I smile and growl loudly which causes him to jump back in fear. I look to my side when I hear Ada giggle at the sight and tucks her hair behind her ears.

"You think it's funny whore?" He yells and looks behind him at his brothers. Her smile dissappears and the loud buzzing begins of the cell door opening and Ada screams as he presses down on the remote. His other brother hands him a needle as he walks into her cell, she's grunting and twitching on the ground and tries her best to crawl on her stomach away from him. He chuckles and places his black boot on her ass stopping her immediately. He leans down and stabs the needle through her jeans into her cheek, she exclaims as he presses the syrum into her and stops shaking as he lets go of the button.

I hear her whimper and she keeps her head lowered as he reaches to grab her upper arm and spins her around onto her back as he stands above her. My lips curl in disgust when I see blood slowly spilling from her eyes like tears and she shakes underneath him.

"Where's your strength now darlin?" He smirks, he raises his hand and smacks her hard across her cheek and she gasps as he does.

"How about that speed whore?" He kneels down on top of her and just barely hovers above her waist as he squats down to look at her closely.

"Just like I thought." He chuckles and so do his brothers.

"You could show her some speed eh?" His brother says and they all laugh and he reaches down to caress the cheek he smacked. This isn't right. Even if she did kill my brothers, she doesn't deserve I don't care what happens to her. She has no soul, she deserves what she gets.

His hand slowly moves to her neck and then lower to in between her breasts, she remains still the entire time as he does but I still see tears slowly pouring down the side of her face and staining the floor red. Suddenly he grabs her shirt and lifts her upper body to meet his face.

"You would like that wouldn't you bitch?" He smiles and looks over at me.

"How about it boy? You want her first?!" His eyes look crazy and I say nothing but sit on my cot and watch as he forces her to stand. He drags her outside her cell roughly and the brothers grab two guns and point them at me, I stand immediately and growl at the threat. With Ada still in his hand he opens the door to my cell and brings her inside with him but puts her in front of him like a shield,I notice her knees buckling in front of her as if she can't even support her own body.

"You want her don't you? Isn't she pretty?" He says smiling. What kind of sick game is this? She whimpers as he tears the front of her shirt exposing the black lace bra she had underneath.

"Stop this. You've had your fun. Enough!" I yell and the brothers aim better at me.

"Relax will ya I was only helping her undress." He says smirking again and throws her body towards me, as a reaction I catch her immediately in my arms but let her fall onto the ground with a small thud. She lowers her head and uses her arms to sit up and cover herself.

"Come now it's about time I let y'all have a shower at least. I'm not that cruel enough to starve you from the simple pleasures in life." He says and stands to the side extending his arm to the door as if to lead us both out. I take a step forward and notice that Ada doesn't get up at all.

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