Jang Hyunseung

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Jang Hyun Seung Facts:

♥ Likes the attention from fans.

♥ Dongwoon continued saying that Hyunseung's alarm clock ended up waking all the members up, execept for Hyunseung, who was still fast asleep.

♥ "Hyunseung hyung was looking for food to be serve, but he got off the KTX not looking very pleased" [laughs] (Dongwoon said this)

♥ Hyunseung (while in LA) tugged Junhyung to go into a hat store.

♥ Hyunseung once exchanged soft drinks to water in the fridge. He was worried about the boys health, due to practicing.

♥ (Goes with the Junhyung breathing problem joke) followed after Junhyung and said that his vision is blocked because of his hair.

♥ Hyunseung is naturally skinny, even though he's a junk food fanatic.

♥ During their debut days, their mission was to make Hyunseung gain weight.

♥ Because he was so hungry, Hyunseung drew himself with glasses and a hungry expression.

♥ Hyunseung makes a special day and calls it, "pizza day"

♥ In the waiting room, whenever you go and see Hyunseung, he'll always be in the middle of eating something.

♥ Hyunseung speaks with eye contact to his fans.

♥ Yoseob called Hyunseung into BEAST.

♥ Hyunseung's likes to wear scarfs and neckwear, especially in winter and fall - the scarfs come in handy to him.

♥ When Hyunseung wants to board the bus/car, but was blocked by the vast number of fans, Hyunseung chicly said: "Excuse me..." fans immediately made way for him to pass.

♥ K-fans named Hyunseung, The Eye Prince co'z his feelings are always unpredictable. Also, he always communicate through his glowing eyes.

♥ Hyunseung loves to mix-match classic and sporty clothes together.

♥ Hyunseung's K-fans call themselves 란덕 or Ran-duk. Ran comes from Rancho and duk comes from a Korean word that means "Otaku".

♥ Hyunseung says he could entrust Yoseob with his younger sister since Yoseob has the least interactions with women.

♥ Sei Taiji and Boys had inspired Hyunseung to form an idea of becoming a singer. He thought it was "Inspirational".

♥ Hyunseung wants to do R&B.

♥ Hyunseung thinks music takes time. "It is something you need a lifetime to complete."

♥ Hyunseung wanted to get a tattoo when Junhyung was getting one. However, his company didn't allow him.

♥ Hyunseung has his own ways in taking care of his throat. He drink pear juice in every two days to maintain his voice/throat.

♥ When Hyunseung is stressed. He just wants to be left alone.

♥ Hyunseung's method of working: Work to the best of your ability, rest (for a long time) to the best of your ability. Members questioned Hyunseung's concerning method but laughed it off. "Hyunseung will, no joke, rest to the best of his ability."

♥ Members called Hyunseung "Prince Jang" because he is a perfectionist. "I just pursue that if anything is perfect, there is no problem."

♥ "Hyunseung has a pair of eyes that is as beautiful as his singing." -Big Bang Documentary Ep 1

♥ Hyunseung watches what he eats very carefully. He realised he had to lessen his portions due to the pain when he was exercising.

♥ Hyunseung's ideal 'dating' place is a bowling alley. "When me or her strike, we can have a victory hug." - Hyunseung.

♥ Jang Hyunseung's sister name is Jang Geu Rim.

♥ There's a quiz in episode 11 in burning the BEAST. The question is: What is the capital of Brazil. And Hyunseung answered "FIFA"

♥ Hyunseung messed up his lyrics twice during the mission in MTV B2ST Documentary

♥ On a radio show, the members revealed that Hyunseung only had one girlfriend in his whole life.

♥ Hyunseung says Dujun was easy to get close to when they met. "He's definitely the best choice for a leader."

♥ Hit a million views in troublemaker MV.

♥ Sad to say that Jang Hyunseung quit the group BEAST due to being inactive in fan meetings and gatherings.

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